Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Randoms brought to you by Dude

There have been a lot of funny situations come up lately with Dude that I have to share.  Mostly, in hoping I don't forget them, but seriously, this kid is a riot.

When Aunt Zoe was visiting they were having dinosaur oatmeal.  This is the kind where you pour the hot water over the 'eggs' and they 'melt' revealing 'dinosaurs' in your oatmeal.  We like to pour the water on in front of him so he can watch them 'hatch.'  This particular time there were some eggs that didn't hatch and so Aunt Zoe jokingly told him that if he ate the eggs then there would be dinosaurs living in his belly!  He kind of gave her a sideways glance and said, "No Aunt Zoe.  That's not how it works."  haha.  She almost fell out of her chair laughing.  It was pretty funny.

But along the same lines we were at the store and got the kids some spaghetti-o alphabet.  Now, we're not usually one for getting our kids packaged food and stuff, but I never got spaghetti-o's as a kid, so I figured letting them have them once and awhile is OK.  And, this was during a time that cooking and smells really upset my stomach, so we were looking for something quick and easy for the kids.  Dude, wasn't that thrilled about eating it, but he was really excited about the letters (go figure).  So, we told him that if he ate spoonfuls of them then he would be making all sorts of words in his belly and that he was excited about.  :)  So after each spoonful he would tell us what word was being made in his belly.

The next two stories are bathroom related.  Of course.. with kids, you can't get away from bathroom stories.  This one was when Dude was going to the bathroom and Lucy busted in on him.  Yes, that is one of her favorite things to do.  Gaetan and I have learned you need to lock the door, but Dude hasn't quite figured that one out yet.  So after she busted in all I hear from Tristan is, "Child!  Get out of here!"  Child?  Really?  I couldn't believe it... and am actually not entirely sure where he heard it from, but it was funny nonetheless.

Now this story was heard second hand, since I wasn't there.  Dude had to go to the bathroom at a restaurant so Gaetan took him.  He really likes peeing in the urinals (makes him feel like a big boy).  So he gets in front of the urinal and says, "I'm gonna race you Papa."  Gaetan says, "Dude, we're not going to race."  And Dude's reply?  "That's because you know you're gonna LOSE!"  Smack talk from our three year old.  Ridiculous.

He has got quite the personality and I think he fully understands the timing of the things that he says.  Sometimes things get said that are funny just because and he doesn't know it yet, but I would say the majority of it is his knowing.  :)


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