Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ben and Christina

Some good friends where in town this past month!  They moved to S Korea to teach ESL about a year and a half ago.  I think this is their first time back since and I was thrilled that I got to see them!  We ended up meeting in GR with a group of people to have dinner with them, as their time was limited and they wanted to see as many people as possible.

I was really happy that they got to meet Lucy for the first time and see what a big Dude Dude really is! I catch up on their lives via their blog and I was really excited to hear about their lives in Korea a bit.  It sounds like they have signed on for another year, and then after that who knows!  I am still a little jealous that they're off adventuring like that with each other, in a fun country and making such fun memories... but everybody is in different parts of their walks of life.

Lucy at the restaurant with molten lava chocolate cake all over her face...

Dude being a gangster... haha.  Not really.
So, I'm glad I got to see you Ben and Christina and Korea is lucky to be able to have you for another year!  Miss you!


1 comment:

  1. Miss you guys too! The time was too short, but I'm so happy we got to see you all and meet Lucy. Grats again on the #3!
