So, I guess to make a long story real short we have switched capoeira groups. Officially now I guess you would say we are CDO. I'm not sure what that all entails or even if there are going to be big changes but I know that we have found a new capoeira home and training group.
We had been discussing the idea when we moved to Kalamazoo because I knew that Show's group was down here and I know that CDO was very close to Mandinga... so it wasn't going to be that big of a stretch to make that transition. I knew that we were going to be down here for a few years and I honestly wasn't up with all the politics that seemed to be happening with the high ups in our group. We started training after I finished my marathon because I was getting bored in the evening! I had spent all that time running, and all that energy when I stopped doing it I felt like I was missing something...
So, we emailed Trov and asked his blessing if that was cool and he said that it was and wished us well. :) I know that Trov and Show are friends and really, that's just the respectful thing to do! So, here we are starting a new chapter in our capoeira history. :)
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