Woof. Today is one of those days that you don't share with your friends who don't have kids in fear you would scare them off forever. I'm not quite sure why today was so awful, but it was. Tristan was pretty much doing everything he knew he shouldn't and because of it, Lucy would imitate. It's really hard telling him to stop doing something and have him understand when she's doing the exact same thing without consequence. Then, they feed off eachother. They laugh and think it's hilarious. Most of the things aren't a big deal, but some of them are. And most of them are for their safety. Rawr. Lucy flipped a nut when Gaetan had to go to school and then screamed there after for quite some time. I'm sure it wasn't nearly as long as I thought it was, but trust me, when your kids are screaming top volume minutes seem like hours. I finally got them calmed down and playing in some sort of reasonable fashion when Gaetan came home between class because he forgot his lunch. I thought that it would be OK because they had finally calmed down, but as soon as Lucy saw him again she FREAKED. I luckily got her under control a bit faster the second time, but still, not fun.
Today was one of those days that you count down the minutes to nap time. Not only for their sake, because it seems like they're down a few hours of sleep, but for your own sanity. We got to nap time a little bit later than normal because they woke up a little bit later than normal... it was like pulling teeth getting to that point. Dude and I finally got settled in with some books and resting when Lucy woke up. :( WHOMP. I know that poor girly is hurting because she's cutting the last of her teeth and when she is she is pretty clingy and the littlest things set her off, so I was trying to be sympathetic, but I was about ready to flip out. I would've just let her cry it out for a bit, but the way she was crying sounded pretty urgent so I got her up.
I took her into our bed, where Tristan was so I could just lay down for a few more minutes. In those few more minutes they managed to rip an entire book apart. Granted, the book was already pretty destroyed so it wasn't that much of a stretch to accomplish what they did, but it just added to an already poopy day. After we got up and had lunch it was counting down the minutes until Gaetan got home. Normally he's home before nap time is over but his class got rescheduled so he wasn't going to be home til later.
And pretty much once he got home the naughtiness continued. Bless his heart he took the kids out for a walk so that I could get some peace and quiet and rest but apparently they were absolutely terrors on the walk too. Which is strange because if they can be outside they are as good as gold... but today, there just must've been something in the air that wasn't gonna let that happen.
So, deep breath. The kids are in bed. It's quiet. And everybody in our family is still alive. I know tomorrow will be a better day, because it has to be. And I know that I'm spoiled with really good kids on a regular basis, so when they are acting like this it seems like a big deal. All I know is, I'm glad it's bed time.
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