Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, February 25, 2013

Me Time Myth

A trusted friend that I've spent a few summer missions trips on posted this blog about this Mom and her thoughts on Me Time.  And, quite frankly, I was pretty pissed by the end of the article.  I'll post the link to the article so you can read it for yourself, but this is what it spoke to me.  It's about a Mom who talks about realizing that she has selfish motivations and is always trying to get away from her kids to have her "me time."  Yes, I can understand that you need time to relax, recoup, regather.  However, to me it sounded like she was saying that she couldn't get enough time away from her kids, her responsibilities, her duties... etc etc.  And when she finally did get a little bit of time away then she was mad when she came back and things were the same as she left.  Like having to do dishes, or give your kids baths.

For me, when I get my Momma time I usually feel refreshed when I come back... and if there are loads of laundry or sink full of dishes waiting for me I feel like its not overwhelming and I semi-look forward to doing it and getting the place back to the way I want it to be.  But, I also might realize that even though I'm gone life at home doesn't stop or magically change just because I went on a mini-momma vacation.  In fact, part of me expects there to be a bit of a mess when I get back.

I never realized the importance of getting some away time.  Even things like going to orchestra rehearsal for a few hours once a week is really refreshing.  For me, I usually try to get them once a month which involves driving out to the east side of the state for some silly girl time with Ratty.  This allows me to get away from the house, something I see often and away from the responsibility of what the kids are doing.  Don't get me wrong, I think about them when I'm away and check in often, but I don't worry that they are doing well.  I get a few hours to be ME.  Yes, there are different facets of what ME is, and in this case most of my day/life is Momma.  The other portion is wife.  :)  Two things I love being.  But, there is a time for letting me out as well.  I know that as a Momma with a new born you won't be getting a lot of Momma time mainly because you have another human being depending on you for everything.  And in that instance then the little moments you can steal away for yourself become really important... like 15 minutes alone to shower!  haha.

I don't know.  I think the thing that really irked me about this woman was then she started quoting scripture on how we should be joyful in our chores as a wife/mother and how Christ should be all we need to be joyful.  Which, yes, is true, but at the same token I don't think that you should only be coming to Him when you are mad that you aren't getting enough time for yourself.  That you should rejoice in the fact that you have a family to care for, or that you are able to get any amount of time to yourself.  Overall, I disagreed with what she had to say.  Let me know what you think about it, and if I was just reading into it wrong. And to me, the scariest part is how she is portraying her actions to her children in the name of being a good Christian woman/wife.


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