Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, December 31, 2012

Snowed in and guys night out

As I mentioned before we were in Caledonia because I was having breakfast with the softball girls.  So, because of it we made plans to see other people while we were there.  My sweet sweet husband is always letting me hang out with friends while he watches the kids so I've been trying to return the favor.  He's really been wanting to go see The Hobbit, and I do too, but I honestly don't think that I could sit through a movie that long.  :(  The perks of being pregnant.  So, he asked our brother-in-law Joshua to go and it seemed like they had a really good time!  :)  They went to watch the movie and then they grabbed some dinner and just had time to chat about whatever.  And honestly, even if they didn't get to see the movie I think the dinner was helpful to them both.  To talk about shows, books, life with somebody other people you see all the time can be so refreshing... and not having to worry about making sure the kids aren't getting into something is such a relief!  I'm glad that they got a chance to hang out, get to know each other better and get some time off.

However, the weather got a little crazy and it was snowing ever since we got there and then it turned to ice!  So, we actually ended up staying at my parents house again... good thing they have space!  We did get to hang out with my sister and her husband though because of it, so that was really nice.  I know its one thing to love your family, well, because they're your family, but it's a completely different thing to actually like them.  I would say I like my sister and her husband.  I like hanging out with them (sans kids... its just to chaotic to get anything real accomplished otherwise) and we got to do that.  We played Euchre together, laughed, snacked and joked.  It was really nice.  :)

Unfortunately, staying there or whatever caused me to get sicker so I went to bed that night with no voice... oops.  I'm glad that we got to hang out with them because they were leaving the next day or so and we weren't going to see them again before they left.  Glad we got to hang out and just chill dear sister of mine.  Missing you already, can't wait to see you again!


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