Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Funny kid moment

One of the nights that we actually spent at home this week we went to go check on the kids before we went to bed and before we even opened their door we could hear Lucy snoring through it. It was amazing how loud she was snoring and how Dude was just sleeping right through it.  We actually ended up recording it because it was so impressive... I'm sure she's going to love that when she's older :)  But it was so very cute.

We also asked Dude who his favorite sister was and he said, "Norah."  What a goob!  Granted this was just minutes after Lucy had tried to destroy his train set and was being a bit of a bully, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Our silly girl who loves to dress in big brother's clothes and double fist drinks.
Also, Norah is getting quite playful.  I know that sounds a little weird since she is still in my belly but we play games.  If we tap or gently rub one area she will kick or push back.  We try different sounds and things with her and see how she reacts and she is a funny one.  I keep asking Gaetan if all the kids were this active in utero and he says the others were more kickers instead of pushers and sharkers... personality already  :) She likes to stretch out a lot more than the others did too, so I feel it in two areas. And I feel like Norah is 'up' a lot more than the other kids... maybe I'm just paying more attention not sure.  But I did start filling in her baby book (something my sister got her) which was fun.  Makes me want to do one for the other kids too... maybe I will...

Love my kiddos to the max.  Even though they are pretty sick and a bit grumpy from it, I love the snug time and seeing how they are developing as people.


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