Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, December 31, 2012

Friend visit #5

Last Friday morning I went and had breakfast with the "Softball girls"  This group of girls were friends from high school and we started the beginning of the softball era that is going on now.  For the past few years at Christmas time we try to get together with Coach and his wife to catch up on how things are going.

We all four have such different life paths right now it's interesting.  We met in Caledonia for breakfast and we actually had to wake the kids up to get ready to leave in the morning.  It just figures that the morning that the kids would've slept in late we have to wake them up... haha.  Anyhoo, we got on the road just fine and I ended up taking Lucy to breakfast with me.  Honestly, I'm glad I did!  Like I said before we are all on such different life paths that it was pretty awkward and dysfunctional, in my opinion.  Coach brought his grandson with him, which is just fine because he's just a few months older than Lucy, but other than that everybody was having their own little conversations.  It was nice that I had Lucy to focus on to help with food and stuff or else I would've been bored out of my mind!

I guess for me I wanted to know more about each person and how they're doing and getting little surface tidbits wasn't really doing it for me... its hard because I used to be really good friends with one of the girls but its proving over time that we really don't have that much in common any more and that's a hard one to fully grasp.  Last year I was kind of feeling the same way but I didn't know if it was just that particular day or not, but I'm starting to see a pattern.  I'm thinking that next year if I'm not already in town I'm not going to make a special trip just to come up for an awkward breakfast...

I hope that all the girls enjoyed their breaks with their families and it was good to see them for that little moment.  :)


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