Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, December 24, 2012

Potty Training (Lucy and Papa's side)

So this is the other side of the story while Dude and I were out and about.  Lucy slept in til about 8:30 which is good, but other than I'm under the impression that the rest of the day wasn't easy.  We were debating again on whether we should start it on this day because I hadn't seen her a lot lately and we didn't know if that was going to affect things... and the answer is, it did.  She is our stubborn little girl and she was unhappy waking up to find both Momma and Ba-Boo (that's what she calls Dude) gone.  I'm not sure if it would've made a difference if she would've seen us before we left, or not, but I think that it definitely didn't help that we were both gone.  She could handle one of us being gone, but I think that it was to much to have us both.

She did fairly well, and I think overall she did understand the concept of potty training, but unlike Dude she just doesn't go that often.  Dude, probably by the end of the day had gone about 50 times.  And that's the point of the whole day.  To eliminate distractions (hence the reason why we were gone) and just give them as many liquids as possible to make them have to go... but she just didn't go very much.  Probably by the end of the day she had gone about 7 times...

Our sweet girl when she woke up

Getting the first steps done of potty training baby first!

She was having a lot of fun with mirrors

Drinking water straight from the source!

What's better than one Goose?  Three!

Trying to get some of Papa's coffee

She was really excited about not being in diapers... we had washed them the night before knowing that we wouldn't need them until Norah, and she saw the stack of clean diapers and said, "baby. No no."  So she's excited about being our big girl!  :)


This book is hilarious!
We got home before she went to bed because she needed, and I needed, to see her.  I missed her a lot and wanted to see her because I was gone all day Saturday and she was asleep when I got home, so I didn't want to do the same on Monday too.

She was pretty upset that we weren't home

This is the pitiful cute picture.  She was doing it but clearly unhappy

Going through the steps

Dumping it

Her favorite... flushing!
There are some really pitiful looking pictures of her during the day, but I think that we got a good start. She's definitely not as far along as Dude was, but I think ti was because she was being stubborn and was mad that we were gone.  She's been doing a lot better since Dude and I have been home the last few days, but the road is still ahead of us.  :)  We are making progress though, and by the end of break I'm fairly certain she will have.


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