Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, December 24, 2012

Kiddo update

Our little Dude is turning into such a little man... full of humor and personality!  He says the funniest things... here are some gems:

"Momma this dinner is BEYOND perfect!"

Gaetan was talking to Dude about dinosaurs, and jokingly we asked him if he knew anything about them.  He shrugs non-chalantly and says, "I dabble..."

He informed us that Lucy is a tree hugger...

One of the things Dude likes to do when we're driving is making sure he knows what street we are or giving us directions on how get places and he was wondering why some streets have word names, some have number names and why some have both.  After we got done explaining he said, "Momma, that's cray cray."

I love when he gets excited.  I told him that we were going to go to the children's museum one day and he said, "what?  What?!"

Now that he and Lucy share a room if she gets upset about having to go to bed he says, "Cool your jets!"  And then she does... haha.

He grabbed my phone one day and asked, "Momma I'm gonna call somebody."
Me: "who are you going to call?"
Dude: "GHOSTBUSTERS!"  And he busted out laughing.

He was eating dinner and he said, "See Momma?  I'm going out to town on this!" haha.

He is our active little boy and we thought that he broke his leg.  The kids were playing chase and he ran right into his bike and he got this pretty good contusion, and he was really upset.  Normally he doesn't get upset about injuries, but this was pretty bad!  He limped for the rest of the day and then in the morning he said that his leg hurt so badly that he couldn't get up to go to the bathroom... so we made him a last minute appointment and got him in.  Normally, we wouldn't but the last time when he broke his foot he didn't even act like anything was a problem.  In fact, it was a week or so before we even took him in because we didn't think that anything was wrong... so when he was so upset about this and said it hurt so badly we took him seriously.  We did get him x-rays but nothing was broken :)

I love that our kiddos are so about sharing their treats.  Every time they get treats we give one of them two and then they automatically share it with the other one.  :) We don't even have to tell them that they need to share they automatically do it.

Also, they listened to San Toki for seriously 5 hours straight... it was amazing.  Lucy and Dude have dance parties and Dude now can sing the song!  Impressive... 3 year old singing Korean is adorable.

Loving my little kiddos and all the personality that they are developing.  :)


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