Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sunday's Message

I. Love. Mars Hill Bible Church.  Even though it's little over an hour away it's so worth the drive!  This past week's message I found to be just for me.  If any of you have spent any amount of time with us you know the importance of eating... or having food time together.  Yes, I know a lot of it stems from my love of eating, but there is something about sitting around a table (or whatever) with friends and eating.  And if any of you have family you know that that time is a sacred and a special time together.  I really don't think I could do the message justice so I'm just going to post the link to the podcast so you can all listen and enjoy it as well.  :)  I highly recommend that you do... I feel like it gives such a great explanation of who we are as people.

Also, the beginning of it talked about adoption and that has been on my heart lately.  I know that I'm pregnant with Norah, but I seriously feel like we could have 15 children! We've both come to grips with the idea that this WILL be my last pregnancy, but that doesn't mean we can't expand our family other ways.  We've discussed where we would want to adopt from and, really, I feel like our options are quite open.  We know that we want to adopt at least one more, two is quite in the possible reasonable and most likely so we will see how many more we will have!  I felt such a tugging on my heart listening to this woman's story, knowing that these are just affirmations along the way.  We have a friend who is literally right in the middle of her adoption in Kenya with her family and they are hitting as many obstacles and red tape as possible.  Their story and their love and determination is such an inspiration.

Here's to the future and all the adventures it holds!


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