Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sunday Funday!

Ok Ok, I know that usually means that people are out getting drunk, but this Sunday was a really Funday for sure!  For church they had a guest speaker, Peter Rawlings, who is a cute little Irishman, (great accent of course) who always has so much to say.  And how real he is about everything is so refreshing.  He was a guest speaker when we first started attending Mars and every since then, we've been looking forward to hearing him speak again.  You should listen to their podcast if you have the time, it's worth it.

Anyways, I was super jazzed about the sermon, and am looking forward to listening to it again because there is always something more I get from it every time I hear him speak!

After that, there was a capo workshop at GV and since we were sort of in town (because of church) I got to attend.  Baz was the Professor that was holding the workshop and it was a lot of fun.  I thoroughly enjoyed the progression of his workshop and the different levels he presented so that everybody could participate.  He was so funny about me being pregnant too, and was always making sure that I was taken care of.  :)  I had a lot of fun playing in the roda with him and I liked the movements that he taught.  I find that in workshops like this the instructor tries to do fancy things or moves I would never use, but these were movements I would use and it was geared toward getting out of our habits.

Baz and I laughing about something

Doing part of the movement sequence we learned earlier that day
It was nice to be able to exercise again and I thoroughly enjoyed the sore feeling in my legs the next morning.  :)  I felt revived after working out for 3.5 hours and I thank my wonderful husband for allowing me to participate.  And there is something to be said to having a few hours to yourself to focus on you, and not have half an eye watching kids.  Don't worry, I was still thinking about them most of the workshop and hoping that they were being good for Papa, but I could mainly focus on what I was doing.  :)  On top of that, this would've been Lucy's first time taking a nap at Grandma and Don's in her big girl bed, and she did really well. :)  Took almost a 2.5 hour nap!  Whoo!  All in all, great day.


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