This is pretty much a bunch of random things rolling around my head... so good luck!
I have discovered that Miss Norah likes the sound of typing. Anytime I'm blogging or on the computer she is SO LIVELY. I'm not sure if its because I'm finally sitting down and maybe I'm cramping her style, or she really does like the rhythm of the keyboard... in any case, she is quite the wiggly girly when I'm doing it!
She has also been demanding strange things to eat... the most recent is oreos with peanut butter... and before any of you can hate you must try it first. I thought the idea was a bit strange when I heard about it at first, but upon trying it it is fabulous and must try. Of course, if you don't like peanut butter than this probably won't be your cup of tea, but I'm not a real big oreo fan and I'm all about this combo!
Also, I finally finished printing off all the pictures from Snapfish. I'm not even kidding you when I say I think we had 3,000+ pictures... and about 98.8% of them are the kids. I mean, really, they're adorable, so it makes sense that I would want to take pictures of their ridiculous crazy lives! With that said, that also means I have had to put them all in photo albums... I got half of them done already, and am waiting for the last batch of pictures to arrive!
I was also pretty proud of myself for getting our Christmas cards ordered already. I feel like there are a lot of things we don't do as a family... like get annual family pictures or things like that, but I do pride myself on always getting a Christmas Card out. This year's is extra cute. :) So, you will all be enjoying yours once I get them and addressed!
I found out that my sister and her family will be up from W. Virginia for Christmas and my brother is going to be stateside at the beginning of December! This is his 4th tour overseas, so we are excited to have him home. He will be in MI after Christmas, so my parents are going to have a full house! It's a good thing they kept all those empty rooms!!
Also, even if my house looks like hurricane Sandy went through it I have to say if my kitchen and dining room is clean I don't feel so crazy. There is something to be said about having cleared and cleaned counters, no dishes in the sink and a vaccuumed dining room floor. I try to get that all done before Gaetan leaves in the morning so that the rest of my day doesn't feel so crazy, but anybody with kids knows that's not always a guarantee.
Today I tried this oatmeal strawberry banana smoothie that I've done before in my food processor, but this was the first time I tried it in the blender. I think that the frozen strawberries are actually what did in my food processor and I wasn't sure that the blender was even going to smoothie-ize them, but it turned out to be the best smoothie I've made so far! I was really excited about it... the small things I suppose. :)
Well, enough randomness for today. Thanks folks, it's been great.
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