This past week Dude has come up with a few gems. I'm not quite sure where he gets them all, but sometimes when I hear them I know exactly where they came from! haha.
Last Sunday in Sunday School they were playing 'good idea' (thumbs up) vs. 'bad idea' (thumbs down). He was telling us all about it on the car ride home so I thought that I would test try a few and see what he did. I asked him what he thought about going to visit Grandma and he looked like he was thinking and then he shot both thumbs up in the air and said, "GREAT idea!" I thought it was really cute. We did a few more and he was very spot on with all of them. :)
Ever since the ultrasound he's been very cute about my belly. He'll come up and be very gentle with it and tell me that, "I'm being very gentle to Norah. Then, when she gets bigger in a few minutes we can play." He gave me a hug yesterday and then he very carefully gave my belly a hug and told me it was for Norah. While we were driving he asked me if Norah had a seat in my belly, like his car seat. And then he told me that he was happy that Norah had a nest in my belly so that she could be comfortable until it was time to come out. A nest is something we just stack a bunch of pillows and blankets all around so they're real snug and comfy like :)
The other day Lucy was being funny (like normal) and Papa asked him if Lucy was funny. He said, "Oh Yes. She's freakin' hilarious." I almost lost it.
He also asked if he could have a swag bag treat (his trick or treat bag) if they ate all their food. We said that the both had to and Lucy was kinda slowing down so he went over and ate the rest of it. haha. She was pleased that she got a treat too. :) Now, out of the bag he got a mini nestle bar and he ate the N off the end and then he put one of his letters from this letter mat (the N of course) on the front of the bar and said, "look! now it's fixed!" haha
I think one of the sweetest things that the kids do is when Gaetan comes home, depending on if it's really nice out or not (then they can do it on the sidewalk), they RUN to him and give him the biggest hug ever. They laugh and have such a nice time. Well, this time we were picking him up from school so the kids were in their seats and when he got in the car Dude said, "I'm so glad you're here Papa. I really missed you." How sweet is that? As a parent, those are definite thing you cherish.
He is really into singing songs now. He has learned his dinosaur alphabet A to Z, which I think is impressive and now he likes to make up songs too. There's a song we sing for Lucy when we want her to get silly and dance and the other day I caught him singing it to her so that she would dance around with him. It was really funny.
The last thing that I find just so sweet is that when its time to either go take a nap or go to bed he always makes sure that he's there to tuck Lucy in. We put her in bed and get all her blankets and pals around and then he sits next to her and gives her a kiss and says, "Good night Miss Miss. Sweet dreams. I love you." And she LOVES it. I think that she expects it now and is quite unhappy when it doesn't happen.
As of lately we've been teaching him some spanish. We are done with colors and are now onto the spanish alphabet. He has a few numbers down... and i'm sure he will have them all soon. He is so quick!
I'm so glad that the kids can play together and really show each other that they care. I still can't believe some of the things that come out of his mouth, but they are sweet and full of good intention. He's got a great sense of humor and I can't wait to see what else he does!
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