Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, November 2, 2012

Rudeness is NOT tolerated

The other day I got another phone call from the VanBuren something or another, the collection agency that called last June about my brother.  I was lucky enough to talk with the same chore of a woman Sandy Stevens.  Let me just say a few things first.

1.) If you're going to call me on my personal cell phone, wanting money, you better be effing courteous.
2.) If you want information or me to be helpful you should respond in kind.
3.) When I have called you out on being wrong you should just apologize instead of being a bitch.
4.) When you break the law and realize it, I would think you would be EXTRA nice to the person who just pointed it out.
5.) Don't deny your unwillingness to be helpful when it shows in the records that you talked with me before.  Just because I remember you and you can't remember how to do your job isn't my problem.

So, let's begin.  She started off asking me a question in which I had no idea what she was talking about.  So I asked her to explain.  So, she did, which was weird... so after she got done telling her story I asked her how this was any of my business.  She was PISSED that she told me information that legally she's not allowed to tell me and somehow that was my fault because she opened her big mouth.  She then proceeded to get huffy and snarky with me about it, which, as we all know, isn't going to end well for her.  She started going over the call history from our pleasant conversation last June when I told her I remembered because she was just as unhelpful and rude then as she was being now.  She then proceeded to claim that she never spoke with me and that there are lots of Sandy Stevens that work there... yeah effing right.  You're so incompetent at your job you can't even remember all the people you've harassed!

I pretty much let her have it after that.  When I was finished, and of course I never raised my voice, she pretty much stuttered out an 'I'm sorry' and that she was going to put a note on the account to do not call me and that she was sorry for the inconvenience.  Damn right lady.  I'm a Momma... I remember EVERYTHING.  To put a happy ending on the story at least I got a hold of my brother's wife and they have everything sorted out.

I will be helpful and kind to people who have to call, because I know it's their job, but if you provoke me, you better be ready.  I think it's fair, especially if I give you fair warning ahead of time.


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