Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, July 7, 2014

Parenting compliment

It's always nice to get a compliment.  It validates what you're doing and reassures you that you are in fact doing something right.  And, there is nothing better than hearing you are raising your kids well.  There have been a handful of people that have complimented us on our parenting this past week and I'm not gonna lie it feels good.

The first one came from one of the greeters at Meijer.  He is this sweet old man who told us that he has watched us over time with our kids and wanted to let us know what a good job we are doing.  That there are so many parents who just come in and their kids are whiny and even when our kids come in and aren't in the greatest moods we handle it well.  Thanks sweet old man greeter at Meijer... that's such a high compliment because any parent knows that the grocery store is notorious for kids being naughty.

Norah picking out her breakfast
The next came from a server at the breakfast place we like to go too.  A lot of the servers there have told us what good kids we have, but she went out of her way to tell us again.  :)  Then, while we were leaving this table full of hung over college kids told me that they were so impressed that our kids were so good and quiet (which they appreciated haha).  And, this older couple told us that we had a beautiful family and that our kids where so good.  Like SO good and that we should be proud of them.

Last, it came from Dude's swim teacher, Dan.  He told Gaetan that he loved watching him cheer Dude on during class because if you looked around the room all the other parents had just either 1.) dropped their kid off or 2.) where on their phones not even paying attention.  He said it was refreshing to see that we cared about what they were doing, and that he could tell the difference it was making.

So, thank you kind strangers for your words of encouragement.  There are days where you just want to throw your hands up in the air and give up, but you know you are in this for the long haul and it gives you a little extra juice keep trying especially when they're trying your last nerve.


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