Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Good weekend and a Retirement party

I don't know if this is a mean thing to say but not all weekends at my parents house are good weekends.  I am thrilled that my sister and her crew are around and that we can see them, but sometimes its just overwhelming.  I realize that we have 3 children and that's a lot and as soon as she comes she's got 4... so that's automatically 7 kids!  But, this weekend was good.  :)  I'm not sure if it was because I was double fisting Dos Equis or not, but I think they were behaving.  ;)

Getting this party started!

The kids played outside a bit
I like this feature on G's phone... sorry about the nakey Goose

The next morning we tried out a different church that the one we went to before Mars branched out and started.  It was good, but it definitely made me appreciate our home church.  This had a lot of people that we used to go to church with so it was nice to visit and see them, but I'm glad all it was was a visit.

Headed into church

After that Holly watched Norah and my parents watched the crazies while G and I went to my college softball coach's retirement party.  It was a little earlier than she was anticipating, but I was glad that I was able to go and show my support.  It was a little awkward because I didn't really know a lot of people there, so I was extremely thankful that G was with me.  Regardless, it was nice hanging out just the two of us.
Eli helping out with Norah
At one of the playgrounds at my sister's place
Me and Coach P

Before we had gone to the party Holly's second oldest had a pretty real conversation with Gaetan.  It seemed like he was finally understanding the whole situation of what happened and he was a real kid for once that afternoon.  He was extremely helpful and wasn't out for himself.  I honestly didn't know who he was!  It was a pleasant surprise.  Unfortunately it didn't last but it was good to see that he was coming to a lot of healthy conclusions and that hopefully it will be helpful to him in the long run.  I know that Holly has told me over and over again how thankful she is to have G around and I really am too (for them).  All in all it was a pretty good weekend!

G took the kids out for a ride during nap time
Lucy thought it would be fun to push E

This is at the church next door to my parents house

Dad is always serenading a grandkid

As we were leaving we saw a hot air balloon... the kids thought it was the coolest ever.


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