Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Friend visit #7

This is starting to get a little crazy!  I guess I didn't realize how much visiting I do during breaks when people are home!  This visit was with a few girls that I went to high school with.  Tricia was there, whom I've been seeing more of (which is a good thing) but then Josephine was there and so was Carly.  I guess I've known Carly since prolly the beginning of high school, and we went to the same youth group and a few mission trips together... and Josephine I've known since elementary school.  We ran cross country together (along with Tricia).  We just went out to eat and caught up on life.

It was a nice little outting. Even though we are all in very different stages in our lives it wasn't awkward.  Carly has been traveling a lot doing missions trips since college, but is back getting her Masters.  Tricia is a working PA and Josephine is in her last year of med school... and of course, I am the baby maker... :)  It was nice to be able to talk with them and even though we are doing different things it didn't seem like somebody felt like what they were doing was far superior to the rest of us.

We went to Uccello's and apparently there were a lot of games on and so it was pretty busy... it actually put me on edge a bit because there were so many loud people and the entire room was lined with TV's. Something that I'm not used to at all!  So I felt a little ADD as I was trying to listen to the conversation but all the different changes on the TV's kept my attention as well.  And also, not used to being around people who yell or cheer at the TV either... guess it's just another type of life style.

Glad I could catch up with these girls.  :)  And it's nice to share about my amazing family as well!


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