Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Eliminating Distractions

I know that people tend to make resolutions this time of year to make themselves a better person... be it better diet, exercise, more sleep etc etc... and it occurred to me why people wait until this time of year to want to better themselves.  Why not see the problem at any given time and then try to fix it then?

Something that I've been working on as an ongoing project is eliminating distractions.  There are so many things in this world that distract us from what is important.  Yes, we all need time to check out and have some time for ourselves, but what about all those other times that we mindless check our email, FB, play a phone game?

I hadn't realized how much time it was taking up until I eliminated them all.  I have an overfondness for games on my phone... why?  Because generally a level takes a few minutes tops, my phone is portable so easy to take with and it does give me those few minutes at a time to check out if I'm feeling a little crazy!  However, I found myself playing them more and more and telling the kids 'in just a minute' (as i quick finished up a level) or 'Not right now'.  I'm not saying that it's bad to tell your kids to wait, but the reason of WHY i was telling them wasn't acceptable.

So, I deleted them.  My personal favorites were games like Bejeweled or as Dude downloaded to my phone Dragon Gem.  It's only been a few days but you can't believe how many times I've gone to my phone and picked it up to play a level and then thought to myself, "Good thing you deleted that!"  I've also found that I have a great deal of time to do other more productive and better things.  :)  For example, Dino hoodies!  Or when the kids are awake, more activities with them.

I've been even trying to be better about checking my phone.  Since Gaetan's schedule allows him to be home most of the day then I really don't need to have my phone on me.  Sure, I still like to use it for taking pictures but I don't NEED to have it always... so there is something else I'm going to have reconcile.

Also, with having kids, they see what you put most of your time into and know that you prioritize it.  They see what you do with your time and how you behave and to them, that is what is reality.  So, not only is it for my benefit, but I've got to think of how this is going to impact them and make them better (or potentially) worse individuals... contributors to society.  So, if the kids see me on the phone all the time then they're going to think that that has to be something pretty important, when, in reality, it's not.

Just think of all the little things that you do... because its in those where most of your time is wasted.  Small gestures and things like that is what surprisingly takes up your time!  You'll be surprised how much time you spend quick checking email, checking FB, etc etc.  Try it!  :)  And, I can guarantee you won't miss it once you've stopped.


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