Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, January 25, 2013

Flu + Contractions

To continue the sickness story since Dude wasn't feeling so great I stayed up with him most of the night and tried to take care of Gaetan as best as I could.  But, because of it, I think I over did it.  For about a week now if I do to much I start having contractions (which are to early!) so I have to drink a ton of water, and lay on my left side for awhile.  It's kind of like being on bed rest... annoying.  Its hardest because the kids want to play still, but even if I get up and make dinner then that is really over doing it. Lame.

I realized that even though Dude is really good at writing his letters we never taught him numbers... I'd say he's got them down pretty good!

Working hard with his crayons

Goose getting in on the action too
Well, once the kids woke up I got up with them because I wanted Gaetan to rest as much as possible.  We did our normal routine, and they got in the tub.  They were doing pretty good but acted like they were going to cause some mischief, so I gave them the tub crayons Gaetan found for them.  They loved it!  :)  They went to town with them, while I tried to keep my contractions down to a minimum.  Which, wasn't happening.  :(  So I ended up calling a nurse to see what she wanted me to do and she thought I should come in.  So, I woke Gaetan up and told him that the kids were in the tub and almost ready to get out but that I was going to be heading into the hospital.

Our sweet Norasaurus's heart beat monitor
Usually Gaetan comes with me, but since he was feeling so poorly and we didn't really have a clue what to do with the kids, he stayed home with them and I drove myself to the hospital.  After I had been there for a couple of hours they determined that I should continue to keep it easy to keep the contractions at bay and they suggested that I could be having some pretty bad heartburn which was attributing to my not feeling so well and being in more pain.  I am happy to report that Norasaurus is doing well and that she is quite happy in there, so at least that was good!  I have to admit listening to her heartbeat for a couple of hours was very relaxing and exciting... so I'm sure that helped keep the contractions down.

Unfortunately while I was hanging at the hospital things at home weren't going so well.  Gaetan still felt terrible, but luckily Dude was feeling much better!  He was taking such good care of Lucy too.  After she woke up from her nap he checked on her, by getting down the gate, realizing that her pants needed changing, taking her into the bathroom, getting the wipes, starting the bath, making sure the bath water was a reasonable temperature, and even added bubble bath to it (because she likes the bubbles).  It was quite remarkable really.  It's amazing on what they pick up on, and their environment.  He knew that Gaetan wasn't feeling the greatest (it might've been due to the amount of Dinosaur Train that was watched) but he knew he had to help out as much as he could... which turns out is a lot!  I was very proud of him.  :)

Goose just wanted to curl up in your lap with her blanket
Also, after Lucy's nap time she had come down with a really nasty fever and all she wanted to do was snuggle.  And poor baby girl just wanted to be wrapped up in her blanket because she was so hot!  Once I got home we laid around, ate some crackers and watched Dinosaur Train until it was time for bed.  We put Lucy's bedding in our room too so we had a big sleep over in Momma and Papa's room.  Dude was pretty thrilled about that.

This is how awesome we were for the rest of the day...
It was very sweet.  The last things I heard before I fell asleep was Lucy chattering in her sleep and Dude whispering back to her.  I think that they probably do this every night :)  It seemed like they were starting to feel better towards the end of the night, but we all went to bed around 7.  Lu had a rougher night, as I think she was trying to break her fever, but the boys got about 13 hours of sleep, which I can't imagine hurt any.

The kids in much better spirits!  Dude was coloring with his Cool Guy Crayons and Lucy was doing Reader Rabbit Toddler on the computer, while I rested :)
Lu woke up in her chipper sassy self and her fever was gone!  Whoo!  Gaetan didn't get sick through the night so the crackers and gatorade stayed down, which was awesome as well.  It seems that things are on the mend, which is nice.  Now, I just have to get healthy and hope that I don't get contractions again too seriously.  What a crazy couple of days! Never a dull moment that is for sure.  We did finally get our washing machine fixed which was a blessing too... the kids were running out of clothes and unders!  I have never been so happy to do loads and loads of laundry haha


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