First things first. I'm sure everybody is aware of the train wreck that was Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke's performance on the VMAs. I didn't see it but social media was exploding with the distasteful, tacky and downright degrading performance. So, what do I do? I had my husband look it up online so I could understand what everybody was so up in arms about. There is so much wrong with what happened but I feel like the worst part is our culture even made it possible for somebody to think that is half way OK to do. Let's be real. The top headlines after this horrendous 'performance' is what an eye sore it was, pushing real stories like what's happening in Syria and Egypt to the back burner. Seriously? WTF. People are dying. People are being denied basic freedoms. And we are worried about an inappropriate performance. We. Are. Awesome.
Second, to the fact that our priorities are messed up on what is real news and what people *should* be worried about. The fact that everybody was jumping down MC (Because, really, I don't want her name all over my blog) throat for her actions... there was somebody else on that stage with her too. AND he's a 'grown-up' who is MARRIED and a FATHER. WTF. The fact that he is father and couldn't realize that she is somebody's daughter is disgusting. The fact that as a culture we think it's her fault and don't pay attention to him is even more sickening. I am sick of hearing about these fools and because of their ridiculous ideas of what entertainment is and how to get attention. I obviously don't know either one of them personally, but I have to say anybody who would think that's OK probably wouldn't want to hear what I have to say to them. What they did for shock value or whatever their reasoning behind it was, any self respecting person wouldn't sell out so horribly.
Third. Seeing this made me reassess what values I'm really instilling in my children. There have been a lot of bloggers who have been writing letters to their daughters and sons about learning a lesson from this. And it's true. I know that I have been pretty intense about working out and getting my pre-pregnancy body back, but I have to watch what I say in front of Lucy, Norah and even Dude. I want my girls growing up loving their bodies and knowing that they are beautiful. That they should NEVER EVER settle... especially to prove something or impress a boy. And to Tristan so that he knows that he shouldn't be looking at outer beauty as the measure of what's important. And how are they going to learn these lessons? By my example.
Enough talk about those twits. I don't understand what the heck I've been so sick and so often. I'm on my second sinus infection in the past month, the first lasting 3 weeks... so you can imagine me not being so thrilled with the idea of only being healthy for a few days. It's a big ridiculous. I was never sick like this with my other kids post-pardum so I'm not sure why this one is so different. Let's hope that I can get over it soon and not get it back so quickly! The sucky part is this time around the kids got it and so did Gaetan... :( We all sound terrible...
Something that we have been experimenting with the kid's naptime. We have discovered that if we let them take their full naps then nighttime is horrible. So this past week we have been trying no naps (which is a disaster) and now we are trying shortened naps because obviously they still need a nap time. The kids are still so tired, which also might be due to the fact that they are sick, so we are trying to see if Dude will take his regular nap time and Lucy a shortened one. It's when she's up late that it gets really bad. Anyhoo, during one of my experimental days I took the kids to Barnes and Noble while Gaetan was at a meeting and all was going well. Until... it wasn't. Seriously in a blink of an eye the kids were melting down and Dude threw the most unholy fit. He laid on the ground crying and screaming. It was pretty embarrassing honestly. Lucy cut it out right away but Dude kept on going. There wasn't a whole lot I could do right away because I was nursing Norah but due to the commotion she wasn't interested in eating. We left as quickly as possible but it still didn't really help.
Needless to say this week has taken it's toll. I feel beat up. I feel honestly run down... a little hopeless. I know this isn't going to last but right now it's wearing me down. Tomorrow is a new day. Soon, it will be a new week.