Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What Grace is to a 3 year old

This happened quite some time ago but I finally remembered to write about it.  When we were still staying at my parents house Gaetan and the kids did a lot of running around together so I could get some rest.  During one of their outings they had gotten some food which came with chocolate milk, Dude's favorite.  They had been doing a really good job sharing back and forth and then there came the dilemma of the end of the bottle... who gets to finish it?  Dude looked at Lu who was handing him the bottle and said, "No Lucy.  You can have it.  That's called grace." haha.  Sweet and cute right?  Gaetan had explained to him earlier before that grace was a gift that you don't deserve, but the other person wants to give you it anyway.  So, Dude thought that giving Lucy the rest of the chocolate milk was a great example of it.  And really, in his eyes, giving away his chocolate milk is one of the higher honors he could bestow upon her.

Grace looks like the end of the bottle of chocolate milk :)

It's amazing that he can understand such concepts as grace, even though you can't really see it.  I'm glad that we have these moments to be able to teach our kids the important things and I hope that we continue to see those special opportunities to teach him what is important.


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