Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Norah's big move

After being cleared at my post-pardum appointment it was just a waiting game to see when Norah was going to be moved into her own room.  I wasn't sure if I was up for the doing stairs that often, but I know that everybody sleeps better when the kids are in their own room so ultimately it was going to benefit everyone the sooner we could do it.

The first night Norah slept for 3.5 hours and then another 3.5 hours which is a lot better than what she was doing in our room.  And because of the monitor that we set up I was getting a lot more sleep... more solid sleep.  When she was in our room I could hear every little snort and wheeze she did (which she is a BIG TIME noise maker) so that would wake me up.  But with her upstairs I don't hear all that noise so I only get up when she is hungry and not just moving around.

The older kids got a new monitor too because we are using the monitor from their room in her room.  The new monitor is a video one that is pretty sweet.  It has night vision, an intercom that works both ways so if they are doing things they shouldn't we can talk to them through their monitor and tell them to cut it out!  haha.  The first time we did it Lucy looked all around the room like, Whoa! Where did that come from?!  haha.  It will also play lullabys to them too if we so choose.  But it's nice having this so we can see what's going on!

Since Norah has moved up to her room we all have been getting more sleep.  The longest stretch she has slept is 5 hours!  She is getting into a habit of sleeping about 3 hours at the beginning of the night, then unfortunately she is up for about 2 hours and then she sleeps for a few more hours.  Gaetan gets up the kids and sometimes takes them out if Norah and I are still sleeping.  :)

A lot of people don't move their newborns out of their rooms until they are at least 6 months... but we have found that the kids sleep better when you get them out earlier.  Its hard to do, especially with your first, but trust me future parents, get them out as soon as possible.  Your sleepiness won't regret it!

We are getting more and more sleep here people!  Loving it!


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