Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, May 30, 2013

First Capo/Being Away

Yesterday was my first time I was able to attend capo since Norah's hatching.  I had been trying to go a few different times but the there was always something that kept me back.. not this time!  I pumped a bunch of milk because I know that Norah cluster feeds at night time and I would've hated to left him with a fussy child when all she would really want was food!

My husband is such a saint.  Taking on all 3 kids, while having to put the crazies down for bed too.  He did it though... he is amazing.  I had a really good time.  I did start to miss them though, which is crazy because I wasn't gone that long... but I missed their bedtime and he sent a sweet picture of Dude feeding Norah a bottle I had pumped... melted my heart.  Anyhoo, since the weather was stormy it was at Show's house, which I had never trained at before... it was a very small space and HOT.  I mean, the weather was hot, so it was bound to be hot inside, but man oh man... sticky!
Norah's first time with a bottle
I knew it was going to be rough.  Any time you start training up again it's rough... you forget you have muscle groups that haven't been used in such a long time and your body lets you know it right away.  I knew it was going to hurt so good when my calves were sore already before I even left his house... I was just waiting for the awesome to hit 2 days... and it did.  The going down the stairs was the hardest but it was that sore where you know you got a good workout in.

I'm going to try and go more regularly because I know that its going to be help me lose the baby house faster... Also, there was slight differences between the schools of CDO and Mandinga which I am slowly learning but it is a mind trip sometime!  I'm sure it will get easier when I get back into the swing of things and have to stop thinking about the fundamental things, like breathing, during class :)

Looking forward to getting back in shape and being a fierce Momma again.


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