Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rolly Polly Norasaurus

The other day Norah had fallen asleep (so I thought) so I put her in our room because the crazies where upstairs playing and then all of the sudden I hear her so upset!  Normally when she wakes up from sleeping she just talks or cooes but is never screaming like this... so Gaetan went into the room to get her and then he made some comment about her being like a turtle on her back.  I just thought that maybe she was having her arms and legs around wildly like she does during tummy time.  Nope.  Apparently this crazy Miss had rolled over and was literally on her back... she was not pleased with her new found movement.

I remember that the other kids did it at a really early age as well but then it never happened again.  I'm thinking that's probably what's going to happen here.  She is getting so good at holding her head up really high though and she acts like she wants to crawl (Lord help us!)  She has the leg movement down and the arm strength... now all she has to do is get her belly off the ground and she is going to be mobile mobile mobile!
Norah and I got to bring in the day together watching this beautiful sunset.  <3 td="">
I know that first time Mom's are always so excited at the prospect of their child crawling, because it is a big milestone and they should be proud.... but they just don't know how life is going to be so much different.  As a Momma already I know what happens when they become mobile... so yes, I want her to have her freedom, but just not so soon.  :)

She amazes me with all her smiles, cooes and constant awareness of what is going on around her.  Love that sweet Norsaurus.


First Capo/Being Away

Yesterday was my first time I was able to attend capo since Norah's hatching.  I had been trying to go a few different times but the there was always something that kept me back.. not this time!  I pumped a bunch of milk because I know that Norah cluster feeds at night time and I would've hated to left him with a fussy child when all she would really want was food!

My husband is such a saint.  Taking on all 3 kids, while having to put the crazies down for bed too.  He did it though... he is amazing.  I had a really good time.  I did start to miss them though, which is crazy because I wasn't gone that long... but I missed their bedtime and he sent a sweet picture of Dude feeding Norah a bottle I had pumped... melted my heart.  Anyhoo, since the weather was stormy it was at Show's house, which I had never trained at before... it was a very small space and HOT.  I mean, the weather was hot, so it was bound to be hot inside, but man oh man... sticky!
Norah's first time with a bottle
I knew it was going to be rough.  Any time you start training up again it's rough... you forget you have muscle groups that haven't been used in such a long time and your body lets you know it right away.  I knew it was going to hurt so good when my calves were sore already before I even left his house... I was just waiting for the awesome to hit 2 days... and it did.  The going down the stairs was the hardest but it was that sore where you know you got a good workout in.

I'm going to try and go more regularly because I know that its going to be help me lose the baby house faster... Also, there was slight differences between the schools of CDO and Mandinga which I am slowly learning but it is a mind trip sometime!  I'm sure it will get easier when I get back into the swing of things and have to stop thinking about the fundamental things, like breathing, during class :)

Looking forward to getting back in shape and being a fierce Momma again.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Being Aware

My sister and her kids just got done with their two week visit.  I am always so excited to see my sister because I miss her and we've never been this far apart before... but her kids... oh her kids...

Now, I realize that their situation has been less than ideal and that they have been sheltered their entire life, but one thing I can't stand is ignorance and not even wanting to try to understand the world around you.  That you are so unaware and self-absorbed that you don't even care that there is a world bigger than yours.

My sister's 2nd child is the worst at this.  We had gone up there on Saturday because of our routine, and my sister and her husband had gone to a wedding and my mom was watching all 4 of their kids.  During dinner Eli was saying something wasn't fair (I can't remember if it was because he had to wait for dessert or didn't get the piece of pizza he wanted... regardless...) and Gaetan told him that he should be grateful that life isn't fair.  First of all Eli had no idea what he was talking about, so then they gave him an example.  Something simple like running water.  Is it fair that we can just go to the water faucet and turn it on, get clean fresh water, while others have to walk miles and miles to get dirty water?  He said no, but then he said he didn't think it would be to bad to have to walk miles to get water.  And that he didn't understand why they just didn't live by their water source because that would make it easier.  Upon further explanation of because during the rainy season it floods and otherwise there are predators like crocodiles that will eat you, is why they don't gave that luxury.  He just went on and on about how he could fix their problem and that he could do it no problem.

Gaetan was just getting irritated by his unwillingness to try and understand.  So, after dinner we were all playing outside and Eli was still going on and on about how he didn't think it would be that bad and that he could do it, so Gaetan filled up a 2 gallon bucket with water and told him that he had to walk around with it to simulate having to walk for his water.  He smiled and said, No problem!  Well, they mapped out this little route, back and forth and Gaetan told him he had to do it about 50 times to recreate the 5 mile walk the people in Rwanda (where we have been campaigning for clean water) have to do at least.  He made it 3 times and was sorry that he was such a jerk about it.  After the first time he was already out of breath and wanting to quit.

Gaetan pointed out that most of the people have to walk there first, then walk back with the water, so really he was getting off easy.  I think he made his point.  I guess the whole thing is that he doesn't understand that the world is a big place and that there are lots of things going on in it.  My hope for our children is that they are aware and when things don't seem right to them to try and do something about it.  A terrible stereotype about Americans is they don't care about what is going on in the world around them, and I don't want our kids to fall into that category.  There are so many things going on around us, we would be fools to not take notice.



It's summer time... which means... picnic food, grilling stuff, outdoors things!  And lately I have been craving a really good hamburger.  Since we have moved around quite a bit we haven't invested in a grill yet, but we do have a cast iron griddle for the stove which is a good enough substitute... for now.  I wasn't looking for a boring ole here's a patty type of hamburger, so when I saw this on Pinterest I was happy and intrigued.  Tried them.  Loved them.  Kids liked them too and usually they're not big into big meat things like hamburgers.  Would highly recommend.  We did them with these homemade fries too. :)


Trails and playgrounds

Pretty much we've been living off the trails and playgrounds that Portage has to offer.  It's been so nice out its hard justifying not being out there as much as possible!  Also, since Gaetan and I are starting to run now its easy for one parent to take the kids walking on the trail while the other one runs and then if we get to a playground along the way then they can play!  :)  So, here is a lot of pictures that we've taken along our walks.

Dude wanted to get closer to the creek so this was the Papa swing that allowed him to do so


Dude took this picture

A lot of our walks result in Lucy falling asleep

This is how Norah hands out at the park

They like to climb on anything

How do you get three tired kids back with only a double stroller?  Papa Style them...

We always see so much wildlife!