Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hot weather grumpies

As many of you know this past week, week and a half in Michigan has been nothing short of sweltering.  We are blessed to have AC... I'm not quite sure what people who don't have them did!  I guess I figured if we didn't have it we would be spending most of our days in places that did have it... the library, children's museum, my parents... I don't know, anything to stay cool!

This type of hot and humid weather is the WORST for my asthma.  I would seriously need to take both inhalers just to unload the dishwasher... that's pretty bad.  And, really, you can't go outside because walking out the door is like walking into a brick wall of hot and awful.  Plus, the 'experts' were saying to minimize any outside activity or time spent out that you could.

It was hard for us to be cooped up inside for that long... first of all, our neighbors still stink.  Unfortunately, I think that we had gotten used to the smell, but our bodies were still unhappy about it.  We were constantly battling headaches, and feeling sick.  :(  Then, the kids were acting all sorts of naughty because I think the smell was getting to them too, and they LOVE being outside.  Unfortunate for the kids we can tell when it's to hot to move outside, but they really don't care, so they were a little puzzled as why we weren't going to many places.

I really think that the smoke smell had a lot to do with our wanting to kill each other and being highly sensitive.  When we went to my parents on Saturday we didn't have any trouble at all, and we were still inside.  The kids did venture outside with Grandpa for a little while to 'help' in the garden, but for the most part we didn't go out.  It was bad when we got home because the place just reeked and I was immediately put in a kind of grumpy mood...

However, it's been about 20 degrees cooler already this week (still putting us at the high end of 80's) but it's much better than the 100+ we had been experiencing.  Funny to think that a few weeks ago we thought 80 was just out of control hot, but now we are welcoming the break.  :)  And we've had our windows open because there is a nice breeze, and it gets pretty cool at night, allowing us to air things out.

Today we got to go outside and play... and boy it feels good.  It was still on the warmish side but definitely more tolerable.  I can handle this type of weather :)


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