Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, July 15, 2012


One of the things that I love about going to my parents house on the weekends is their garden.  I am so excited (and looking forward) to the day that I can have my own mini garden!  I'm pretty terrible at keeping house plants alive... so I'm sure there will be a learning curve, but I'm excited about it.  I'm excited about the idea of planting, watching something grow, and then having food grown locally and that I know how it's been cultivated.  Now, I'm not going to get on my high horse and say that people should eat only organic or any of that jazz, because well 1.) it's expensive and 2.) I love me some Big Macs every now and again.

BUT not only do I love the freshness of the food and satisfaction of being able to use what you worked so hard to do, but the time that you can spend with loved one while doing it.  Usually after dinner the kids like to run around (nakey of course) outside.  That's about the time that Grandpa and Grandma go water the garden, weed (if need be) and then pick anything that needs to be eaten!  Lucy is all about playing in water, and Dude likes to fill this bucket up and then have his little toy watering can and water the flowers.

Sprinkler time

Dude 'watering' himself after they got done wedding
Its so nice seeing them enjoy nature and being content with simple things.  Not having to be glued to the front of a TV, but really being able to enjoy themselves outside.  I know a big part of it is hanging out with Grandpa Don and being able to play in dirt, but, I'll take it.  :)  The learning about plants and how things work are priceless too.  I love sitting on the deck, laughing with the kids, pointing out bugs, and being with family.  This is what it's all about for me.

Playing animals inside with Grandpa Don
Now that it's getting farther into the summer their stuff is actually getting ready to be picked.  So after our glorious beach day Tristan helped Grandpa pick fresh green beans for us to take home!  He, and Lucy, of course, enjoyed a few fresh off the plant but that is something I'm not going to object to.  "No kids!  Don't eat fresh vegetables while you're playing outside!"  haha.

Goose enjoying the fruit of Dude's labor

He was so proud of his beans
I want the kids to have an appreciation for family time like this, and for nature/creation that is so simply beautiful.  Also, not to be afraid of creepy crawlies :)


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