Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Pipi's Bridal shower

Last Saturday I went to the east side of the state for a bridal shower.  I got to carpool with some lady friends, which was great!  :)  I was glad for the company and catching up with them.  Sweet Norah slept the entire way there, which was what we were hoping for.  She did steal the show a bit when we got there with her cheeks... haha.

It was a nice shower.  It was at a restaurant, which I've never had a shower before at a restaurant, but the food was good, the company was great and the games weren't annoying!  :)  I sat at a table with Tally's Aunt's, Grandma, Mom and the ladies I rode with.  His Aunt is a RIOT.  We hit it off and laughed a lot.  :)  Norah was pretty hungry so I fed her a lot, but she at least took a little snooze in her carseat so I could eat my food.... which I appreciated.
This was their towel cake I made them.  To bad one of her Aunt's made one that looked like a real cake... put mine to shame...
It seemed like they got a lot of good stuff off their registry.  :)  It's so nice when people actually get you stuff that you want!  I won a game too, which was good... I gave the Starbucks giftcard to the husband because he'll actually use it.  Other than that it was fun to get out of the house and have some girl time.  It was exhausting though... I never think about it but driving takes a lot out of you, even though you're sitting!  I'm sad I didn't get any pictures of the shower and the lovely ladies that were there!

We did have a bit of excitement back home though.  Gaetan stayed home with the crazies and they were going about their normal routine.  We were staying at my parents because I was meeting up with the girls pretty early in GR and that would've been really early for us to leave our place... so they were taking their naps/rest time upstairs (like they normally do) and they were actually quiet for a little bit... and then Dude started to yell and was really upset.  So Gaetan went up there to find Lucy with a razor... Feel your heart starting to beat and start shaking... NOW.  Apparently my sister had left her razor in the bathroom when they stayed here last, because we didn't even know that it was up there.  Lucy had tried to shave her face... Poor girl had this huge red streak on her cheek, had nicked above her eyebrow and right by her eye... Dude started yelling because she was bleeding and he didn't know what to do.  She also cut her lip... EEK!  Dude told Gaetan that he tried to shave his neck, "like Papa does" but thankfully didn't do any damage.

Dude built himself a nest behind the headboard and the wall in the big bedroom... he slept there all night and loved it.

Goose showing off her poor face...
Dude playing Hippo in chess... it was only a matter of time before he learned how and started kicking our bundas at this too.
Its one of those things as a parent that you really can't prepare yourself for.  And the idea of it is probably much worse than what happened because you know what could've happened.  :(  It's in instances like this you know that somebody was looking out for your kids.  Poor Goose's face was looking pretty rough already.  She had bit it outside and scraped up her nose and upper lip and then bruised her forehead... now add her shaving ouchies on top of that... If I didn't know any better I would've thought that we had Dr appointments coming up.  Thankfully because she is so young still she heals rather quickly... it hurt my heart every time I saw her sweet face all banged up.


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