Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Norah's 2 month check up

Our sweet Norah is already 2 months!  Unfortunately for her this check up was a big shot one... :(  She had to get 3 shots and the oral booster... which apparently she was unhappy about because she thought she was getting milk and realized it wasn't.. haha.  And, you know me, if I don't have to be around for shot giving I won't be!  So Gaetan took her to her appointment while I took the crazies and picked up some stuff from Target.

Our chubinski wearing 6 months clothes (looking a little snug) but cute cute cute!
We play a game called count the rolls...

Our chubba-love weighed in at 16 lbs 11 oz... BOOM.  I know a lot of 4 month olds that are just pushing 15... haha.  And I would say that's normal.  Gaetan didn't catch how long she was but she is probably on the higher end for that too.  I look at her when I'm nursing her and I can't believe that she is this big already!  It's impressive.

Tummy time
She is so strong too!  When we give her tummy time she can hold her head so high!  And she is already doing the crawling motion so its only a matter of time... and yes, I know that it is, but it seemed fitting to say.  Something that is advanced for her age is that she can deliberately put her hand/fist/wrist roll in her mouth for soothing.  Apparently that isn't something that kids generally do until 4 months at least.  While she was having some tummy time she was getting hungry so she started to suck on her fist.  Gaetan wanted to see what she would do if l he kept her fist away from her and at first she got a little frustrated but then she just calmly moved her head to her fist instead of her fist to her mouth... it was pretty impressive.  Then, he started holding her fist away from her mouth even when she would move her head towards it so she just kind of smiled and then turned her head and started at her other fist... she was thinking, "you won't keep me from eating this hand!"  She is very clever already... we are in trouble.
Passed out
I looked up to see how much the other kids weighed at 2 months and I couldn't find Dude's but Lucy weighed 16 lbs. 2 oz, so Norah is the big winner.  I'm not sure how we made such bruiser big babies, but I like them.  :)  In fact, I love them. haha.

She is showing more and more personality and its hard to think that she's only 2 months old, because I don't remember what life was like without her!


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