Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, June 14, 2013

Momma compliment

On Tuesday Gaetan had an appointment and my Mom had said that she would watch the crazies while I took him to it.  She called earlier that Monday about having a dentist appointment on Tuesday but she should be done with plenty of time to be home to watch them.  I told her no sweat, and that she should definitely take the appointment because I would want to not be in pain anymore!  But in the back of my head I had a feeling that she wasn't going to be finished on time... and, well, I was right.  We were waiting at my parents house and it was getting awfully close to go time and she wasn't anywhere in sight.  I called her to see if she was on the road and was going to be there soon, but no answer... so I figured that she wasn't going to be making it home.  So, I loaded all the kids into the car and off to the appointment we went!

This amused me while we waited in the play room... mullet-itious!

While on the drive there my Mom called and was still not finished with her appointment!  It was at 1 and turns out she didn't get home til 3:45!  Doesn't sound fun to me!  When she called she was so apologetic... and felt terrible that she wasn't there to watch them.  She even offered to come pick them up from the appointment which was downtown, and anybody who knows my Mom knows that's a huge gesture.  She hates downtown... and will do everything and anything to not be anywhere near it.  I told her not to worry about it and that we would be back to their house to pick up all the toys we had left out since we left in a hurry.

During Gaetan's appointment the Dr and his nurse made it a point to tell him that they were impressed with how well behaved our children were.  The Dr said that they were the best behaved children that he had seen come in, which is awesome!  This place had a separate play room off the waiting room that had toys, a few books and a TV with a DVD player.  Score!  So, we went in there and waited for Papa to get done.  We started the DVD that was in it but it was scary for the kids!  Something about night monsters, so we asked the front desk if they had anything else and they did.. Toy Story.  Classic.  :)  So the kids ended up watching/playing til Papa's appointment was finished.

Unfortunately during that time Norah had woken up and was quite hungry... so I started to feed her and of course Lucy told me that she had to poop and pee... but I knew that she was just doing it because she wanted to leave the room.  I told her to wait and she kind of looked at me like, 'fine you called my bluff.'  but then the kids started to fight over one train in the room.. Dude was watching the movie but was holding it in his hands and Lucy wanted to play with it.  You see the problem.  They both started to melt down and I was getting a little stressed because I didn't know how long Gaetan was going to be and I was still feeding Norah, so there wasn't a whole lot of mobility on my part.  They eventually did calm down, but I was pretty frazzled by the time Gaetan came back.

He asked me how things were going and I told him that I was about to throw both the kids out the window... he chuckled and told me he had a story for me later.  Turns out the story was the Dr and the Nurse had told him to tell me that how impressed they were with me.  They said that most people can't handle having multiple small children at home and have them be so good.  That he should tell me that I'm doing a great job and keep up the good work... and then I tell him I'm gonna throw our kids out the window!  haha. Yeah, great parenting ;)  but it is nice to hear people compliment you on your parenting based off of how well your kids act, because I feel like most of the time you can't because kids will act up because, well, they're kids.

I had psyched myself up for being Super Momma for the next few days and I was ready for it now!  :)


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