Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The last week...

Whoo!  I can't believe that in less than a week sweet baby Norah will be here!  I'm not gonna lie... I'm really excited.  For many reasons, but to be able to get back to doing things with my family!  I know that I will be out of commission for a little bit after she is born, but the end is near....
(A cute onesie that is oh so fitting for this occasion)

I have been starting to feel it more and more this week.  I've been trying to think of how this pregnancy compared to the end of Lucy's and I think that I've been doing better about not eating in the middle of the night and not eating a ton of sweets.  I have been fairly uncomfortable for the past bit, but I think that happens to everybody at the end of pregnancy.  Gaetan is still convinced that she is going to be the biggest one... and admittedly she has been the one that seems like the most baby and not water, so we shall see.  I have my last OB appointment tomorrow which will determine how much I've gained overall!  I have gained a little bit of water since my ankles are swelling but anything that is less than what I did with Tristan doesn't even pop up on my radar as anything impressive!  haha.

a little bit of edema... I could press into my ankle and it left an imprint...
We did get some last minute things for Norah Norah... like nursing bras, shirts and things of that nature.  I know, not very exciting, but they are for me!  And as much as I hate spending $$ on things like that the convenience of them is just so worth it.  And, honestly, if I played my cards right I will be able to wear them after I'm done nursing.... :)  I may look Korean, but I think I'm secretly a little dutch.

This last week is going to fly by I know it... seeing how it's already Tuesday night!  The rest of the week is pretty busy, so I will have my hands full trying to get things ready to stay at my parents and get this house ready to be vacant for a few weeks.  Soon and very soon, little lady... Momma is excited!


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