Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, August 7, 2015

Library zoo guy

One of the programs the library has in the evenings is this guy who has his own zoo.  He brought in all sorts of different animals for the kids to see and the crazies LOVED it.  Norah liked it a lot longer than I thought, but it was very crowded and it was starting to get hot.

Something I had never seen before are called sugar gliders.  They were so tiny and they all fit in this bag with the Momma.  They apparently are very chatty so even though they are cute they make obnoxious pets haha.  He had them demonstrate how they glide and jump and the audience couldn't get enough.  The guy who owns all these animals had his daughter there helping with animals and the music and stuff.  It was cute!

There was an armadillo that the kids got to pet, a lynx, a honey badger that stole a rice krispie out of his pocket which the kids thought was GREAT.  A giant snake that they kept in the large crate it was brought in on and a bird.  it was impressive all the different animals he had!  I guess he comes back in the fall with different animals so I would love to take the kids to that!


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