Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, August 7, 2015

Being an actual SAHM

As soon as we moved into our new place G started a new job at work, which requires him to actually be on campus to complete his work.  So that means that I am home with the kids in the morning/afternoon like an actual SAHM is haha.  I always joke because he's been around for the last while due to his research grants and not having to be on campus to complete work but now that he is we are falling into a groove.

I'm not gonna lie that first week I was exhausted.  Norah has been getting up a lot earlier than normal, but its probably good for us to get started on our day before it gets too late.  Its nicer and harder all at the same time, but we are doing well with it and I know that the kids really appreciate it when he comes home.  Luckily, he gets his work done in 4 days so I still get that last day for sleeping in if I need :)

With him being gone a lot more we have been hanging with the Mins during the week!  I know that it's somehow easier to have more kids around but it is.  I also know that Jane likes the break as her husband works a TON of hours.  So, we've been hanging with them pretty regularly for Monday and Tuesday and dining with them at least once a week too, which I really like!  :)


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