Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, December 19, 2014

So sick...

Our family hasn't been doing so well with the cold season already.  :(  After the marathon in October Dude had this cough that he just couldn't seem to shake and he honestly had it for about a month and a half.  He went through a couple of days where he had a fever, and the poor boy gets fevers like I do but then he was fine after that.  Lucy seemed to fair the best until one night she threw up all over her bed.  :(  There was no signs before or after that she wasn't feeling well, but then that happened.  It was really bizarre.  I guess the girls had snotty noses but they both randomly threw up in the middle of the night.  :(  G on the other hand threw up for a couple of days and we all know how that treats him... I never threw up which was good but I definitely had some weird GI thing going on.  I think between the both of us we didn't eat anything solid for a good week or so.  It was intense... and then there was this lingering coughing that was obnoxious!  I am happy to report that we are all mostly healthy (theres' something lingering in my lungs) but all functional.  Hoping that that was the last of the nasty colds this season!


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