Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, December 9, 2013


I have to be honest, this year I was dreading Thanksgiving a bit.  I guess not just Thanksgiving in general, but I wasn't looking forward to spending that much time in a large crowd. I have been burning out lately and I wanted to recharge a bit quietly.  And with my sister and her kids at my parents house all the time I knew that wasn't going to happen... and then usually my Grandma and Grandpa come, and of course Dale and Marcella, and before you know it there are like 15 people all up in your face.  BUT... my sister's kids weren't there and my grandparents went to FL this year, so the only circus that was there I was used too (my family).  Since we had spent the night there from my birthday we had a nice morning of just hanging out and getting ready to get our grub on.

I was in charge of making sweet potato pie, which I had never done before, but it always sounds so good.  I mean, Will Smith loves it in 'I, Robot' so I was willing to give it a try ;)  I got a recipe from NPR and it was delicious!  I will be sharing that recipe soon.  Norah was even gracious enough to take a nap while we all ate, so we could eat together... it was nice.  I didn't over do it because I knew that I had to run 7 miles later that night, so I showed a bit of restraint.  Honestly, my favorite part of Thanksgiving isn't the turkey, but all the sides!  Yum yum!

It turned out to be a great, fun filled and relaxing holiday.  Much much much to be thankful for.


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