Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, December 9, 2013

Busy busy Friday

Today we hit the ground running.  I honestly don't know how people who work and have kids do it.  It's insane!  This morning the kids got up at a fairly decent hour, so we had some breakfast and then I had to get the soup in the crock pot (yup, gonna post that recipe later too).  As soon as I got that finished it was time for Dude's swim class, and I wanted to take him so we were out the door.  Goose got to tag along as well, which was fun for her to watch.  He did well in his class, although I think that both of the kids do better when Gaetan takes them.  When we got home the crazies got in the tubby while I tried to get a few piles of laundry put away (and let me tell you, that was no small task! haha).

Goose at Dude's swim class wearing my cowl
Dude really excited about getting into the pool
After they got out I had an eye appointment so that I could order more contacts.  I have to say that I love my eye doctor.  She is hilarious!  No nonsense, and we get along really well... she seems genuinely interested in what you're saying and has a great sense of humor.  Anyhoo... turns out my astigmatism is getting better!  Which, we chalked up to being pregnant, but usually it goes the other way... it usually is worse after pregnancies.  Weird.  Oh well!  I'll take it!  I'm looking into getting some new glasses too because the frames I have are to small for my wide dome.  And they are pretty old too... the hard part about having such a wide head is that woman's frames don't usually cut it... so I have to look at the men's section.  Luckily for me men's frames are pretty unisex, so I'm hoping to get a nice stylish pair soon.  :)

Anyhoo, I had to book it home because Gaetan had to tutor so in the 10 minutes that I was home the crazies had a snack, I quickly fed Norah, and we gathered everything we needed for the errands I was going to run while he was tutoring. Then we were out the door again!

First stop: Drop Gaetan off.
Second stop: Bank
Third stop: drop off recycling
Fourth stop: JoAnn Fabric.  We had to return a skein of yarn because I didn't need as much as I thought for a project, but I have learned my lesson about not getting enough and getting stuck with a different color... we also looked at some different yarn there for my potential sock making adventure!
Fifth stop: JCPenney.  Now, I don't know why I thought going to the mall around Christmas time was a good idea, but we did need to pick up our family photos, so we went.
Sixth stop: D and W.  We needed eggs and milk and a few other quick items for dinner that night.  This would've been a quick in and out but Lucy decided that she wasn't going to cooperate and threw the biggest fit in the middle of the store.  She wanted to ride in the firetruck cart that they usually have, but didn't this time.  She refused to get in the freakin' cart.  It was ridiculous.  Then, she took her coat off and wouldn't put it back on and proceeded to throw more of a big fit when I tried to help her.  Ridiculous.
Seventh Stop: Get Gaetan again.

I was pretty proud of myself that including drive time I got all those things done in less than 2 hours.  It might not seem that impressive but remember I have to wrangle and get three kids in and out of the van (which is no small feat!)  I was pooped by the time we got home and was very thankful that I had dinner in the crockpot.

After dinner we were playing upstairs and I fell asleep in the corner on the bean bag.  I seriously have no idea how people go to work and then come home and do all the things that need to get done around the house.  Whew.


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