Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, January 27, 2014

Visit with the Slattery's

We had the opportunity to go and visit our friends the Slattery's!  They had just bought a new house in Fremont so we wanted to go visit them and see how they were doing.  They are also expecting their 3rd child!  Unfortunately, the weather this year has been pretty ferocious but we made it there safely despite the wintery conditions.  It appeared that we might have to stay there but Gaetan is the man and got us home safely.

Their new place is cute.  It has a lot of open ceiling and space for their two little boys to run around!  It was a good visit and I always enjoy talking with Hannah about raising little kids, homeschooling, running, being pregnant, new recipes... ya know.  Its nice talking with another young Mom who understands and can laugh about the weird timing of certain things and totally gets it... however, I really feel like that is the end of what we have in common.  We had a few interesting conversations with them which really made me wonder how we were friends with them...

One had to deal with vaccinations (which could turn into its own rant, but maybe some other day).  They weren't sure if they were going to vaccinate their third because they were worried about it causing autism... we talked about how vaccines were good and stopped things like polio... to which she responded, "what's that?"  ... Really?  Well, we tried to explain that the reason why she probably hadn't heard of it was because people vaccinated their children and it has almost been completed wiped out.  But Gaetan tried to give an example of what it could do and referenced FDR, which she had never heard of.  Eek.  She had also only semi heard of leukemia.  Double eek.  I'm not trying to make her sound like an idiot, because her husband didn't know either.  The scary part about this is that they are going to homeschool their children.  It's hard to pass on valuable information to your children if you, the educator, don't know it to begin with.  And to top it off, he is against having the internet so there goes a precious resource already!  We were flattered though that they wanted to ask us our opinion about it and think so highly of it that they are going to do what we suggested.
Me either their youngest (for now) Ethan
Dude and Benjamin playing chase
Goose helping DJ with "Wheels on the bus"
Norah was captivated
Goose... digging the reindeer
Peace out!
This cup was so cool!  you just put juice in it and stick it in the freezer and it makes it slushy awesome
The kids getting a train ride
Goose talked Dude into giving her a ride 

We had a good time talking about the kids though and they had fun playing together.  We honestly only probably see them once a year, but that once a year visit is nice.  :)


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