This year I had mentioned that I was invited to participate in BeethovenFest. Usually it gets filled up rather quickly but this year not so much... I was excited and agreed to do it but then as the time started drawing near for the concert I started getting nervous. They send out the music via email a few weeks before the concert, and then we have two short rehearsals before the actual performance. I most definitely don't think that I'm a good enough musician to just pick up major orchestral works like this and since there weren't a lot of players this year each player was going to be quite exposed... I started to panic a little. I did my part and practiced, listened to the pieces and was starting to feel ready for it. But then, sweet Norah got sick. I had to miss the first rehearsal for sure, but they said that they still wanted me to come to the second one and the performance if that was at all possible. It was not. Norah didn't get any better and I didn't feel good about leaving her while so sick... so, I got the invite to play next year, and we will see if that's something I can do! A little part of me was relieved, but am hoping to try it again soon. :) I heard that it was a great concert and successful fundraiser!
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