Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Seattle Day 3

Race day!  I have to be honest... I wasn't very amped about doing this run.  I definitely felt prepared for it, but since I had already hit my target goal during training there wasn't a lot of pressure for this race... and honestly, I was exhausted.  Sweet Norah didn't sleep a whole lot during the night, and always at some point would end up in bed with me... which really meant, she was laying on my face or in some way that was awkward for me, but everybody knows you don't want to move in case that might wake them up. haha.  But, Norah actually slept in that day (5:30!) which was perfect timing for us to get up, eat a little something and get ready to go run!

The name of this race was called The Rain Run.  And, since this is Seattle's winter more often than not it is rainy... but not this weekend!  It was actually forecast to be sunny and quite nice.  Well, it was mid to upper 30's during the race and I was FREEZING!  The trails actually had iced over because it was so cold and dank... but we were there and ready to go.  I have to take this time to thank Amy's husband Brian.  He was such a trooper and the man for watching Norah while we ran.  Norah isn't the best when I'm away, so I was a little worried that she was going to be a stinker the entire time... which, I guess she did scream in his face for a good 30 min-45 or so... but he was a champ and wore her in the backpack and even wore her teething necklace.  His friend Sameer and his dog Happy accompanied them and they got to go to the dog park for a little bit.... so there was at least something for Brian to do. When we got back from the race she wasn't crying and was awake... so that was good!  I guess she did end up taking a nap for about half the race, which I'm sure all party's were pleased about.  And, I'm not gonna lie, if it was actually raining I don't think I would've gotten out of the car!  It was cold!

Brian... the baby wearing super husband... they were feeding my baby frosting... 

We finished!  And look how sunny it is!
Modeling off our medal
Modeling off our rain run umbrella
Sweet Norah enjoying our outdoor lunch
Race swag!

Amy and I did a great job pacing each other at a time that was going to keep us under 2 hours!  She is still a much better/faster runner than I am, but she was nice enough to stay with me :)  I have to say that we were very consistent throughout the entire race... except the end... where we got faster!  Booyah!  Our final time was 1:56:58... which was about a minute and a half faster than my previous PR.  I was pleased.  And I didn't feel like an old lady afterwards... usually my hips hurt pretty badly after long runs.  In fact, after that I attended a capo roda!
Maybe 5K in... it doesn't look like we're freezing at all!  I couldn't feel my toes until probably mile 7
The turn around

Coming in for the finish!
We quickly grabbed some lunch after the race outdoors, which was beautiful.  I was a little skeptical at first because it had been so cold but it turned out to be a great idea... the sun was shining and it was perfect.  Then Amy and I high tailed it downtown to try and find this capo class, which we did.  I got there just in time for the roda which was fun!  I got to play different people which is always a good experience... their axe was energizing!  At the end of class though their instructor seemed pretty frustrated so he wasn't that pleasant, but I know everybody has good and bad days.. so I'll try not to take it personally.

We then headed back to the Husteds where we hung out with the Kumars and went out for dinner for Brian's birthday at this great pizza place!  I was a little worried that Norah was going to be cranky since it was WAAAY past her bed time but she was great!  We had a great time all hanging out, eating pizza and laughing.  It was a perfect ending to a wonderful weekend.  After dinner we made a few last minute stops for my preparation home and went back home to relax before the end of the night.  I would say that everything was perfect.  It was just the right amount of time to be away, to be relaxing and not missing the crazies to much, got to hang out with Amy (which is the best part!), see Seattle and run our race.  Until next time Seattle... it will probably be the entire family... prepare yourself! haha


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