The last couple of days have been... shall I call it... trying. I keep telling Tristan that there are so many things that happen in our lives that we have no control over, but the thing we do have control over is how we react. What do we do once that situation is presented. Usually I'm giving him this talk after Lucy has taken a toy or destroyed his train track, but it does apply to bigger things in our lives. Trying to teach him life lessons over the smaller things so when the big things hit he will be prepared.
I love my brother dearly but he can be a burden. He's terrible with money, being organized and tying up loose ends that he thought were handled. The re-occuring pain has been collection agencies. And when you owe people money, they want money, and they some how know all your information. My poor parents have been dealing with this for years, and sometimes they would get multiple phone calls a day. I've witnessed this and have even fielded a few of those calls when at their house, but never have I had one of them track me down on my cell phone. First of all, that pisses me off. Who the hell do you think you are calling me on my personal line and demanding that I give you information? Not gonna happen. And this is a warning of anybody out there who thinks they can bully me into giving them information, because I will not be fooled. You WILL NOT waste my time or my family's time with your demands and think I am just going to roll over because you act like you know something I don't. Well, news flash. I'm a frickin' ninja AND a Momma... I've got eyes not only in the back of my head but I can make you feel like the most insignificant person that dared crawl out from under their rock.
I had this 'lady' Sandra call me about my brother. She calls my cell, and Gaetan picked up because I was getting the kids ready to head to the pool. She starts asking him questions one right after another, not giving him a chance to answer probably hoping to fluster him. Well, lady, when you wanna pull that bull shit on somebody, it would probably help if you weren't talking to the smartest man alive. I overhear a little bit of his end of the conversation and I realize that it is dealing with Jon. So, this poor unknowing woman, asks if she can talk with me. She claims that she has legal documents that NEED to be signed by Jon ASAP and when I tell her that he is in Afghanistan serving his country she doesn't know what to say. Of course not... its hard not to sound like a complete D Bag when the person you're trying to bully is fighting for your freedom. Regardless. She keeps trying to get information from me, and I personally didn't feel comfortable with it. She kept pushing and pushing and I had had enough. I calmly explained to her that if she left a number that I would see what I could do. She already tells me that she's tried calling my parents house and is going to keep going down the list of people until she gets some information. Oh, threaten me will you? I don't think so. I pretty much just let her know that she wasn't getting anything and if she wanted things done then she better be more forth coming with what she wanted. It didn't happen. She leaves her name and number and that's that.
So, I go back to trying to get my kids ready for the pool so that we can hang out and enjoy our sunny afternoon. Not 5 minutes after I hang up with this lady I get another call. Private number again. Who is it this time? Her supervisor/boss. He calls and tells me that he just got off the phone with one of his employees who was upset about a conversation she just had. I said, "Let me guess... her name was Sandra." And he sounded taken aback, and stammered a, "yes, yes actually." I told him the same thing I told her. Now, I can tell the reason why he's the supervisor and she's the minion is because he's a much better people person and smooth talker. He is a little bit more forth coming about information, enough to where I at least feel comfortable passing the information along.
Now, the matter got settled, which is good. But I can't stand people wasting my time, threatening to keep calling/harassing the rest of my family and think that is somehow going to put me in a sharing kind of mood. Maybe that works on others, but I think I've watched one of many conspiracy TV shows.
So, I guess the moral of the story is I don't have time for bull shit, so don't try to bull shit me. I think it's kind of fun every now and again to let it all out, because, well, it's just fun and it gets my quota in for being a sass machine. :)
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