Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A trip down memory lane

I got a bit nostalgic the other day and started reading the beginning of my blog.  I was curious when I started it, and how much has changed since then!  I started it right about a month before Tristan turned 1 (prolly around the time I got pregnant with Lucy but didn't know it yet).  It's been funny to read about how life was so different, yet so much the same.  But my favorite part is reading about the kids.  Obviously, in the beginning most of my blog was about Tristan so we have a lot of documentation on what he was doing at what age!

The fun part about it is Lucy is doing seriously about the same stuff that Dude was doing at that age.  She's really getting good at signing, and she's learning so quickly!  It was about 14-15 months that Dude just started taking off on learning different signs.  Another thing they do similarly is they take you by the hand now and lead you places they want to go.  :)  It's very sweet.  The next thing is all the kisses and hugs, and what Momma doesn't look forward to that.  They started walking around the same time, but Lucy is WAY more vocal than Tristan ever was.  I mean, she was as a baby too, but she's speaking a lot more now too.

They are so similar it's crazy!  But, I like looking back and seeing how they are the same, but oh so very different and their own person.  :)


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