Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


For the past few summers my parents have had a garden.  They started small at first, but they are expanding little by little each year.  I think my parents like having something to do outside... at least I know my Dad does.  And I think secretly my Mom does too, although she wouldn't admit to it.  This summer has been the first summer that the kids have been interested in being outside this much and 'helping'.  Last year, Lucy was only a few months old, so she was really only interested in sleeping, eating and pooping.  And Dude never was a huge fan of the outdoors... until now.

I think, for him, he sees Grandma and Don outside and wants to be with them, doing what they do.  Dad was pulling weeds and Tristan was all about wanting to help.  Dad said once, "We're getting rid of these stinking weeds!"  And ever since that Dude points to weeds and says, 'stinkin' weeds.'  Then he smiles and laughs.  The kids most favorite part is watering.  They LOVE the water.  My parents put on a sprinkler that moves, and that's Lucy's favorite part.  She likes to put her hands in it, and then run away before it gets her.

Lucy wanted to help water the flowers, but she mostly watered herself.

Dudes favorite part is actual watering.  They fill up a bucket, and then he has this little toy watering can that he waters parts of their flowers with.  It's real cute. :)  I'm really glad that they like being outside and that they can learn about things like this!  I hope that they have an appreciation for mother earth, and this awesome time with family.

Dude and the pals filling up the bucket

Grandpa showing him where to go

Big time waterer!

I hope to have a garden when we have a house, and a compost pile too.  :)  There is a lot of learning that can be done, and I hope to share it with the kids!

I thought that this was a sweet picture of Dad teaching Lucy about leaves.


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