Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, May 21, 2012

Not so baby anymore...

Ever since Lucy has turned one it seems like every hour she is becoming less of a baby and more of a little girl.  For the most part it's fantastic to watch her grow and learn, but of course, there's the Momma part of me that wants to keep her little baby snugged in my arms.  They grow up to fast... and boy, don't I feel old for saying that!

No, it's great really.  She is so clever.  She really likes to imitate Dude.  They sit on opposite sides of the table and they just make silly faces and laugh at each other.  He does something, she tries her best to imitate and then one up it, so then he has to re-do what she just did.  It's quite endearing really.  They are becoming more and more friends... they play a lot more together now which, of course, has its ups and downs.  But for the majority of the time they do play together well.

She knows where the socks go!
One of the things that she does now that I find irresistibly adorable is when we're eating and I'm checking to make sure that her food is at a good temp, she'll help me blow on it to cool it down.  I'll blow, and then she does a few times and then just smiles and giggles afterwards.  Then, of course, she demands the food that she has been so 'patiently' waiting for ;)

She is getting to be pretty vocal too.  She says Momma a lot now, especially when she sees me, so that's good.  She says a lot of ba ba ba and Bob Bob which I think are for Duder and Gaetan.  She has so many facial expressions... it seems like she doesn't need words!  She definitely knows what she wants and will let you know if she isn't happy about it... haha.

So, to my stubborn, quickly growing up little lady... Momma loves you and all the wonderful things that you're doing so far.  Thank you for the little snugging moments that you give me to fill those 'needy' Momma moments.  :)

I love that toothy, sly smile.

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