Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, May 3, 2012

First Sunday off

This was the first weekend that Gaetan has had off since starting school!  He has finished up his first year of grad school and done some amazing things in that year.  I honestly can't believe that the first year is already over, and how easy he made it seem.  He never did homework while at home (unless the kids were asleep, but that gave me time to catch up on stuff that didn't get done during the day...) and he did extremely well in all his classes.  My hats off to anybody who can get through a week of that nonsense!  Just a few things my amazing husband did in the short academic year...

1.) After one semester of teaching labs he was recognized as being a phenomenal educator and they asked him to teach a lab that is reserved for doctoral students who have been there a handful of years.  The other grad student who taught the other section was a 5th year and graduating this year!  And on top of being able to teach this lab they asked him to rewrite a few labs (to make them better, and that means he'll be published).
2.) The department gave him the most prestigious award they have.  The best TA in the world!!!!  He is up against all the other TA's in the program (not just his year) and having only been there for a year and outshining the rest of the students is amazing.
3.) He passed all his classes with ease.  Well, I wouldn't say that quantum mechanics is easy on any given day, but he made it look easy.  He got all A's and B's this year!
4.) He also landed a researching gig this summer with one of the most connected theoretical profs at WMU to start on something that is pretty new in the physics field.  And thanks to NASA he won't have to take classes or teach this summer.... which means, he will be home with us and 'thinking' a whole lot.  :)
5.) As I mentioned before he did get published a handful of times.  He has written a handful of things for labs, and the lab manual for WMU.  They have even asked him to present a few of this ideas at some conferences (mini vaca for the family perhaps?  :)

Yup, my genius husband.  :)  I'm glad he likes to be silly with the kids.

So, after all that, I am so glad that he is getting some time off to just hang out, and relax.  So far during that we've had a lot of nice family outtings.  He got to take Duder to the library in the morning for lego time while I took Lucy to her appointment.

On Sunday after church I was craving BBQ and so Gaetan suggested we try a restaurant I've never been... but a goodie, Famous Dave's!  It was yummy!  The kids did GREAT and they loved the food too.  I am so thankful that we have children that we can take out to eat and know that they will behave. They certainly make outtings more entertaining...

Lucy copying Papa

Look Momma!  No hands!

Dude is excited to be out with the fam

Making faces with Lucy

Waiting patiently for his food...

Yup!  All good!  Nothing a little tic-tac-toe can't fix.

As she waited patiently for her food she chowed down a lemon...
When we got home I had to do my last 'long' run before my marathon... 10 miles.  I went to turn on my ipod but it was dead... :(  So Gaetan suggested that he take the kids for a chariot ride while I went running.  It was a really nice idea!  I was hoping that I didn't go slow that it was boring for them, but he said (I think he was just being nice) that I was going at a pretty decent pace.  The kids must've thought that it was relaxing because at some point one, or both were asleep.  The cutest part of my run was when Lucy fell asleep and her poor neck looked so kinked and Duder took her head, and rested it on his shoulder.  What a sweet Dude.  He loves his little sister so much.  But then, he fell asleep and both of their necks were at an unreal angle.  It is so nice to run with somebody else, and I was surprised at how quickly the run went without the music.  :)  It was a nice outting with the family... everybody got some fresh air and exercise!

My darling kiddos
When we got home, I had to cool down and so the kids wanted to play outside.  Lucy is so excited about her new found ability to climb stairs... so that means she can get up the stairs to the slide.  Tristan likes to help her out at times when she gets stuck... its endearing.  They love to be together... and of course, they love to pick at each other too :)  It's nice to see them interact.

So excited she got up the stairs 
Duder is a big helper.  He was helping her up.

Showing her how its done 
Getting ready for her turn!
After that, we had some popcorn for a snack and got ready for bed.  It was just a nice day.  Being together all day was amazing.  I look forward to the other days ahead when we can just be together and hang out.  :)

On that note I can't believe that this is the last week before the big run.  We drove a bit of the course on the way home and I forget that 26.2 miles is a long way... haha.  I am excited to have this underway and have this done!  :)  So here's to the rest of the week together, and the end of a big training session!


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