Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lots of free time

Man, ever since summer started and I haven't been running a bagillion miles a week I feel like I have so much free time!  I have to admit that I like the idea of knowing I don't have to run (if I don't feel like it) at night time.  After my little two week break, which felt like forever! I ran a little bit yesterday.  Only 4.5 miles but it was great!  I was watching a movie and it was getting to a part that I don't enjoy, and it was getting rather late, so I decided to call it a night.  It felt really good though :)  And I thought I should try and get a few miles in before this Saturday's Mud Run!  I'll have to let you know how that goes :)

I also just went back to my first capo class tonight.  I'm not going to lie... it was tough.  One would think that after all that running I would be a bit more prepared, but capo is something different.  I have little weak arms and the 100 push-ups we had to do wasn't so fab... haha.  My hamstrings are probably wondering what the heck I was thinking, but I am glad to be back at it.  I hope that we can start training more regularly now with my nights free!

We hit up the beach again... we decided that going during the week is our best option.  The last time we went it was so crowded... so it wasn't that much fun.  This time, there weren't a lot of people there, and the kids LOVED it.  The water was still a bit cold, but that didn't stop the kids!  They made a little lake so that the water would warm up faster, and Lucy played in that.  It was nice because then she had something to do and we didn't have to worry about her getting swept away into the great big lake!  Lucy got a new babin' suit and I think she was pretty happy with it.  We got some ice cream on the way out and then the kids threw the biggest fits of their lives.  I couldn't believe it!  It was actually pretty embarressing... I was trying to put Lucy in a diaper and she wouldn't stay still, so she was squirming all over the place.  Dude was crying because he wanted to stay... and both of them where beyond tired they really didn't know what to do with themselves.  We pretty much just had to get them changed as quickly as possible and drive away before people started to really stare.

She was much more about the sand this time than last

She was pointing out where Big Brother and Papa were

Dude starting his 'lake'

Realizing that sand doesn't taste that good

Getting adventurous and walking around a bit

Papa and Dude hard at work 

Dudes giving Lucy kisses

She was going to TOWN and splashing splashing splashing!

We paused for a snack but she was having to much fun, so he brought her cup to her.

I think that we are going to take it easy for the next few days.  We have been doing a lot and I know that Lucy has been cutting molars, so she's not been sleeping very well, and Dude is sleep deprived.  He tells me that he's so tired in the morning... but then refuses to nap, so you can imagine how that goes.

A good friend is coming to visit this Saturday to go dress shopping... we have a lot of weddings this summer so this was a good excuse to get together :)  She was going to do the run with me but it got filled up before she could register... :(  So I hope that we can find something good this weekend... I'm sure we will have some ridiculous pictures :)

On a happy note I got a new Mom suit for this summer!  I'm pretty excited about it actually.  So hopefully I don't look terrible in it.  I'll take a picture (maybe) I'm sure that it will show up in the numerous times we are at the beach.


A visit from the MIL

So, it's been awhile since we've had a visit from Ingrid.  The last time we saw her was at Lucy's birthday party and they had just gotten back from Spain so they were still pretty jet lagged.  The last time I really talked with her was when Zoe was in town and we were trying to get together and I was a bit snarky with her... ever since then she doesn't text me or anything!  I think that she still thinks I'm mad at her, so she doesn't want to face the music.  And I'm not.  There are things about her that drive me crazy... but in small doses I think that God gives me the grace I need to get through.

Today was a really good visit actually.  She came relatively on time (Whoa!) and she was pretty low key. She wasn't feeling that well, and I think that she was still walking a bit on egg shells to test the waters.  We had a nice lunch together (the kids ate their weight in sushi I think).  Sushi was Tristan's request for lunch.  After that I was going to head to capo class so Gaetan, the kids and Ingrid went back to the library.  She said that she was thinking of going home shortly after that so I thought that was it for the visit for me.  It turns out that after the library they started walking the trails and ended up at the 'big playground' (as Tristan calls it).  After I got out of class I called them and they were still playing so I went and picked them up.  They were having a blast!

Lucy loves going down the slide.  She lands right on her feet too!

They were trying to do a train... but then Tristan pushed off before Papa could get behind them.

Oh the kids loved it regardless.

It was a good visit and I know that Tristan was happy to see her.  I hope that this continues!


Monday, May 28, 2012


We have acquired a 'new' toy for the kids... its a kitchen set that DJ and Hannah were so gracious to part with.  haha.  While we were there the kids flocked to it and played really hard with it and DJ and Hannah said they were looking to get rid of it!  So, it was a win win for everybody.  :)

We have set it up in the play room and the kids can't get enough of it.  They are SILLY.  We put their sushi kit, stir fry, tea set, and ice cream cones up there and they have a blast.  Tristan made us some stir fry soup, and we've had a lot of tea.  :)  We got EXTRA silly today after dinner... check it out.

WARNING:  My kids are extra cute so you might be blinded by their cuteness.  Also, Lucy is naked.

Kiddos cooking.

Duder was giving Papa his creation and Momma and Lucy were getting ready to make the next round.

It was delicious stir fry.

Dude trying it.

And of course Lucy gets some too!

Dude and Momma getting extra wild with the stir fry... see the white blurs? Mushrooms flying!

Afterwards we needed some tea

And it's a good way to show you're done by putting the bowl on your head right?

Oops... Goose was about to shut her hand in Dude's dresser...

But it was all better by a little tickling

Sweet sweet baby girl

Dude adding his own touch to the stir fry... ice cream.

Lucy giving it a try.

I love that I am able to play with the kids!  We like to get silly and use our imagination.  Lots of laughter and love going on in his play room.  :)


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Growing up

I know I've said it before, but my kids are growing up so fast!  Lucy has now learned her facial anatomy... like, nose, mouth, eyes and we're working on cheeks and ears.  She can also sign please, more, all done and we're getting to thank you, but she can communicate really well what she wants without it too.  She is really interested in Dude's clothes, especially his underwear.  The other day she actually got them on up to her knees so Gaetan pulled them up the rest of the way.  She LOVED it.  She also will try to get into the bathroom when she has to potty... she has gone potty a few times on it already too!  What a big girl!  One of the things that I like now is her hair is long enough for pig tails... OH MY ADORABLE.

Duder Unders on a Lucy Girl

She takes her sliding very seriously

She likes to slide down on her belly after she's climbed all the way up...

Duder is also such a care taker.  The other day I wasn't feeling so well, so he covered me up with his blue blanket, and gave me all his pals.  He then told me to rest up and feel better and that he made a pretty nice bed for me.  :)  He takes care of Lucy too!  He's also really into cooking with me at the moment.  We have made pancakes a few times together, (he's a great flipper!) rice pudding and some chocolate pudding.  He even checked out a toddler cookbook at the library... think he's hinting at something?  :)

Happy Duder helping Momma in the kitchen!
I love the stage that my kids are in... and they just keep busting right on through to the next.  I can't wait to see what they're going to have accomplished by the end of the summer!



We have driven a lot in the past three days.  Probably too much.  We have driven close to 800 miles... oof.  We are TIRED.  But it was really good visiting with friends that live far away.  :)

This time we were visiting friends DJ and Hannah.  They live up north in Ludington, so it was a bit of a drive up there but we had a lot of fun.  We only get to get together with them a few times a year because of our locations but every time we do we feel so good after visiting with them.  It's nice being around other couples our age that have children our age.  And I think they are the only friends that fit that description!  Hannah is actually expecting their 2nd child at the end of July... so their kids are in between our kids age, but they get along great.  :)

DJ and Lucy
It's really nice visiting with them because even though we don't see each often, it doesn't feel that way.  It's also really nice that Hannah is an AMAZING cook.  We have some of the best meals there.  :)  I think another reason why we like visiting with them so much is they are at the same point in their lives we are.  They're young with young kids, they love Jesus, they are just starting out financially (although they have a super cute house) and we are interested in the same things.  I know the kids like being around each other too... and their child Benjamin (their first) isn't around a lot of other kids either so I know they enjoy the company.

The boys playing legos together

Sitting at the counter eating a snack together.  :)
It's really nice because we can bounce parenting ideas off each other or give suggestions on how we do things.  Its nice having that understanding too that little kids who are tired or hungry will be mostly be a bit more sensitive, and they're not upset by crying.  I also like that their styles of parenting are similar, and they respect the things that we tell our children they can or cannot do... which may sound ridiculous, but it's amazing.

We seriously just played and hung out.  They live in a pretty secluded area so we were outside a lot.  Tristan LOVED that.  And Lucy pretty much just wanted to be doing whatever the boys were doing.  On the way home it was thunderstorming like crazy, but it was peaceful.  Looking back through the patter of water on the windshield at our exhausted kids, and getting to hold hands with my husband was just perfect.


Trying to show Benjamin that the blow up toy is actually a lot of fun

Lucy was jumping with Papa in it.
I'm hoping to be able to visit with them after Ethan is born.  Hopefully we will be able to help out in some way.  :)  This way I can get my baby holding fix in too!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Garfield Park Conservatory

One of the nice things about being on summer break is that we can take day trips during the middle of the week!  Don't have to wait for the weekend when things are going to be extra crowded :)  This day trip was down to Chicago.  A friend invited us over for hot pot (which I'll write about later) but it was later in the evening.  Normally, we wouldn't travel so far for dinner but this is a fun type of dinner and we hadn't seen them in awhile... so we figured we could hit up something fun in Chicago during the day and then go there for dinner.

Dude super excited to go to the 'jungle'

We ended up at this place called Garfield Park Conservatory.  It is basically an indoor jungle, desert, or any other type of climate you could think of.  It was really cool.  When we first walked in I didn't think that we would be there that long but this place was enormous.  They had the jungle, with all the different plants and trees (it was pretty much the best botany field trip you could go on), the desert, lots of outdoors gardens, a palm tree room, a kids play area, and many many other things.  The kids LOVED it.  I wasn't sure that it would entertain them for as long as it did but it was great!

Now, I thought that this was hilarious, but it was kind of at the expensive of Tristan... In one of the outdoor gardens there was a labyrinth that was getting watered so there was this huge sprinkler in the middle of it.  It was a pretty warm day out (90's) and I thought that the kids would like to cool down.  Tristan really liked the idea of the labyrinth but he was trying to avoid getting wet.  The sprinkler was going in a clockwise motion and he wasn't paying attention so he got sprayed and to get away from it he kept running a little bit ahead of the sprinkler, which ultimately just got him more and more wet.  By this time he was pretty unhappy, but it was a bit comical to watch from the outside... We got him into some dry clothes and he was a happy camper after that.  Lucy on the other hand LOVED the water.  She would just stand and wait for it to get her, and then once it did she kinda looked around like, "what just happened?" and then giggle.

One of the things that Duder kept wanting to go back and see where the big carp.  They had a pond of them with Chihuly glass work and he was fascinated.  He started naming fish... 'one, two, three..' haha.  It was pretty good.

We cooled off with some yummy all fruit popsicles and then headed right back in for them to play more.  It was a good way to spend the day.  :)

Vanilla leaf's... smelled delicious!



Fountain that Dude really liked

Peace waterfall

I liked the ivy doorframe

Their 'garden of eden'

Chocolate tree... enough said.

Dude dancing outside with his ginko leaf and the flower he got for me :)