Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sonny and Margo

As some of you know we have some pretty unsavory neighbors.  Because this is a low income community there are a lot of people here who have a different outlook on life.  But... Sonny and Margo take the cake.

Margo is by definition mentally unstable.  We think that she suffers from schizophrenia, but she definitely is addicted to something.  At first I thought that it was meth because she would disappear for days at a time and her physical attributes would make it seem like that was the case, but I'm starting to think more and more that its pain killers.  Her son is always out playing unsupervised, which is against the lease by the way.  And it would be one thing if he was just outside playing like a normal kid but he's not.  He's outside destroying things, bullying other kids and being a terror.  He's keyed cars, throws rocks in the parking lot and is always playing in the street.  There have been numerous times that he's flicked us off and yelled at us while we were driving.  Seriously?

There was one time he and his friend Jaden (we call him Fat Albert) were destroying this toy with rocks and the maintenance man came out to tell them to quit it.  Of course Margo wasn't outside so when he was going to go talk to her Albert said, "You can't go in there right now... this is her nap time."  Uhhh... what?  It was like 5:30... AKA she was passed out from doing who knows what she does in there.

There was another time Sonny cut his foot really badly and I ended up having to clean it up because she didn't know what to do.  They eventually went to urgent care after she let him go back outside bare foot minutes after I bandaged him up and wondered why it started bleeding again... the next day he was outside playing in the middle of the day so we asked him why he wasn't in school.  He said that he overslept and missed the bus.  Well, the school is about 2 miles down the road and we asked why his Mom didn't get him up and ready.  He just kind of looked at us like what are you talking about?  She is sleeping.  She occasionally will make him food and she leaves it outside the door... like something you would do for a dog.  She doesn't tell him its there but just opens the door, puts the food down, and then shuts and locks it again.  She is always leaving him home alone and then if she does wander outside she always asks us where he is because she doesn't know.

Our last incident was when Gracie and Levi came over for froyo and face painting.  Of course she wasn't outside with Sonny and their cat (which is also against the lease) killed a mouse on a neighbors door.  Gaetan told Sonny that the mouse couldn't be left there because that's disgusting and it was his cat that killed it... he ran inside and told his mom that we yelled at him.  She came out and cleaned it up and then when we were leaving to go get froyo she started yelling at us.  That we couldn't talk to her son like that and blah blah blah.  We told her that if she was around we wouldn't have to tell her son anything and that she needs to clean up after her cats.  I told her that if she ever talked to me again than it was harassment and that I was going to call the police.  Which is something she does frequently.  She called the cops on our neighbors Kim and Chase and at the end of the report the cop favored Kim... haha.  It's rare that the person who calls the cops gets blamed for what happened.

We have been working to get them evicted for months now.  I think that we are close because the landlady said that anything we have on them for evidence would help our their case in court.  However, I think we just had the last straw... a couple of nights ago around 10 there was all this banging around and commotion.  It was the undercover police and they rammed down her door.  Like literally had a battering ram and broke her door open!  They were in there for a little bit and ended up taking her computer and cell phone.. pretty intense stuff!  I feel like that has got to be grounds for some sort of eviction...

I am not usually one for people losing their homes, but when they are affecting the people around them with their toxic nature, it's for the best of the community and this Momma Bear is going to make darn sure her kids have a safe environment to live in.


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