Dude with Grandpa Mike... legos galore! |
When we initially told her that she was going to have to find her own family plan because it was getting expensive for us to have them on it she got all defensive. I suppose it was because we are trying to get rid of her, but she was defensive because she felt like her self worth was in a Verizon family plan. Like Verizon dictates someones's self worth.. sure you stupid bitty. After we explained that it was more expensive for us and in the long run was going to be better for her and Zoe to get their own plans she calmed down a bit.
THEN, last week she sent Gaetan this lengthy text that was just trying to guilt trip him into inviting her over. Well...
1.) We're smarter than you so we can see through your not so intricate plans.
2.) If you think you're going to guilt Gaetan into doing anything you're wrong.
3.) We don't like you.
We have been trying to be nice about it and telling her that we are oober busy (which is true, but if we really wanted to see her we would make it happen) But, I can't stand passive aggressive shit like that, so I pretty much just told her that we would let her know when she could come visit. Well, I kept getting notifications that we were over our minutes (again) and since we were going to kick her off our plan anyway, this seemed like the perfect time.
We told her that we had plans Friday afternoon and she said that she had to work in the morning so she would be out around 2-2:30. Which was great because our plans were at 4:30 so that meant the visit was going to be short. Well, she didn't tell us that Mike was coming either, which makes a world of difference. We like Mike. We like having the kids play with him... so if we knew that he was coming we might've tried to make something else work. Whatever... again, she is just being evasive. So, as soon as she gets here she's defensive and doesn't tell me hi. Which is fine by me because I wasn't really in the mood to deal with her. Gaetan lets her say hi to the kids briefly and then gets her out the door to take care of business, since that was the reason for the trip. Before she leaves she tries to say hi to Norah who just instantly starts crying and screaming... bahahaha. No, I'm not laughing that my child was upset, but I'm laughing because Wilfreda took it personally. Nevermind the fact that Norah is teething, and was hungry at the time, but it was just comical the timing.
We got her off our plan and of course she was snarky about it and kept saying little shit head remarks under her breath. So once they got in the car they had it out. She just kept saying how she wants to visit more and that we are always to busy for her. Gaetan gently tried to explain to her that even if the only thing he had going on was grad school, that should be enough of a reason to be so busy. But... no. The man is owning grad school, tutoring, researching, and that doesn't even cover being a fantastic Papa and husband. She kept trying to say that she understood how busy it was having small children... like she remembers. ::rolling eyes:: My favorite part was when she tried comparing what Gaetan was doing to the Yoga Camp that Zoe was volunteering at. SERIOUSLY?! And that she was really busy and had a lot of hard work to do too. Bitch, please. There are times that you just want to shake somebody until all the stupid comes out... but I don't think that I have enough time in the world to devote to that. Then she made some snarky comment about how we've been really 'busy' for an entire year, like she couldn't believe that people are busy for stretches of time that long. DID YOU FORGET THAT WE HAD A BABY THIS YEAR?! You know, because having baby with two other small children is a frickin' walk in the park.
I'm not sure in what universe she thinks that she deserves special treatment. I'm not sure why she thinks she is entitled to our time. She seriously thinks that we sit around and don't do anything and must just be waiting around for her to call. She says that she wants a relationship but then admitted in the car that her pictures on her desk were outdated and she wanted to visit so that it looked like she had more recent ones. Oh, right. I forgot. She just wants it to look like she's around and not have to actually be around. She wanted to work out a schedule of visits like it's a custody battle... nope, not gonna happen. Woman, you shot yourself in the foot when you so blatantly showed your children, when they were still children, that you weren't going to be bothered with them or what they found to be important. Your selfish actions have made it nearly impossible to have that relationship that claim to want to have. I was so foolish to give you the chances before, but time and time again you have proven that's not what you really want. You got your wish. You are now hands off. Oscar Wilde said, "There are two tragedies in life; one is not getting what you want. The other is getting it." Well, you stupid whore you got your wish. You didn't want to be apart of your family, so this is what you got.
And still, my ultimate favorite is when she tries to tell us how to raise our kids. ... really? Somehow it's really important to her that our kids like to pet animals. ?? I'm glad that she is focusing on something that really matters. She says that it's not normal for kids not to like dogs and cats... they don't dislike them, but they don't go out of their way to see them. She just kept pushing and pushing it and finally Gaetan told her to keep her mouth shut about it and it's none of her business. She said that he couldn't speak to her like that and he said, "when it's regarding my family I can speak to you however I please. This is MY family." Get it husband! I probably would've said something not to kind had I been there, like, "I'm glad that your kids like being around animals... did they learn that at the summer camps you shipped them off to when they were 2 and 1?" ... so it's probably a good thing I wasn't.
She then tried to get us to apologize to her. HA! I sure as hell didn't see pigs flying this morning. Somehow she feels like she's the victim here. That woman infuriates me and how selfish and small minded she can be. She wonders why we don't want our kids around her? She tries using tactics like guilt tripping and then she LIED about her motivates when we called her out on it. She finally said that that was the entire reason of that text was to make us feel badly. So, she thinks that being a manipulative liar are good attributes to being a grandparent.. hell, a person. Wrong again. And, Gaetan is right. This is OUR family and we can let them see or not whomever we deem fit. In the words of Burton Guster... SUUUCK IIIIIITTT!
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