Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The way a two year old perceives...

As parents one of the things we have to be consistent with is discipline.  Its so easy to let one incident go, or to try and have the kids pull one over, but that's why communication is so key.  Discipling Dude has been an ever changing process.  As we try different things, whether they work or not, we (as parents) have to make sure that we are on the same page doing the same things.  I got some insight into our Boy's head about what really makes him tick.  We have pretty much realized that spanks don't do squat, so why continue to use a method that doesn't work?  On Sunday I was letting him have a sip of my drink and he got to much to fast and ended up spitting it out, all over me.  Gaetan was getting something else so I had to sit there covered while Dude looked horrified.  I told him I was pretty upset about being covered in drink, but I didn't specify that I wasn't upset with him.  While Gaetan sat with Dude and I went to the bathroom to clean up he told him that he was scared I was upset with him.  When I got back he looked so sad so I asked him what was going on and he said he was scared I was mad at him.  :(  Poor guy.  I gently explained that I was upset about my drink being all over me but not upset with him.  After that, he perked up a little bit.  I know that all the spanks in the world wouldn't have affected him as much as the thought of me being upset with him.  What a sweet little Dude.  Things that he cares about make more of an impact than anything, and I think that's pretty mature for a 2.5 year old.

Sweet Duder after snugging with Momma

Was really excited about his new George shirt

He loves reading with Momma :)

He does the same thing when Lucy is upset too.  He gets upset on her behalf.  He just wants her to be happy too.  I think that's why he likes his pals so much.  I think that he thinks of himself as Hippo and Lucy is Dog because Hippo and Dog are best friends.  That's why he likes to take them both everywhere with him.  He also likes to have them help with things.  He shows Hippo how to do things, and then Hippo shows Dog how to do things.  He's so smart.

I love his heart.  He is so perceptive.  What a kind hearted boy we have.  How much he wants to please us is endearing.  Thank you God for our little boy.


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