Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Aunt Zoe's visit

Gaetan's sister Zoe came for a visit and stayed with us for a few days.  Ingrid and Mike were in Spain so she needed a ride from the airport and a place to stay for a few days until they got back.  And we were more than happy to have her here.  She stayed for 4 days and 3 nights... which was fine for us, but we don't live very exciting lives, so I didn't know if she was going to be bored.  I was excited to try a lot of vegetarian meals and they were all a big success!  :)

I know that Tristan was really excited to have Aunt Zoe around.  And, honestly, she does a really good job with the kids.  It was nice having another set of eyes around, especially with Lucy being on the move.  We had really good conversations about their lives, and their past.  What types of understandings they have of the relationships they have with each other and other family members.

I was really happy to have her around to see how we live our lives.  I know our life styles are so completely different, but I think that she enjoyed the change of pace.  I know that it was good for her to be around healthy relationships and see what a functioning family looks like.  I know that she craves something similar but I'm not sure if she's quite ready to make those changes yet.

However, she did come to church with us on Sunday, which is huge.  She hasn't stepped foot, or even wanted too, in a religious facility in years.  She was a bit nervous about doing it, but after the service she pulled us aside numerous times to tell us how awesome it was, and how she wanted to come back next week.  How, it seemed like the message was written just for her and the people there weren't judging her. I was so glad that she got to experience what we do, and now she could have a better understanding of it when we talk to her about it.  I know that God was there opening her heart.  Small steps, but progress all the same.  :)

It was good to have her here.  I look forward to building more of a relationship with her, and to be there to help her out as well.


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