Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Yesterday the kids and I headed up to Grand Rapids for a playdate.  It was with a former high school teacher who has two children a few years older than Tristan, but they love playing together.  We spend most of our time together in the summer (because she's a teacher she has them off) and the kids love it.  And this was their spring break and apparently they had been asking to hang out with Tristan, so we made plans to hang out!

We drove up to their place and then hit up the children's museum.  I have never seen that place so busy in my life.  It was intense.  But because it was spring break everybody and their brother (literally) was there.  The kids had a great time together.  We spent hours there... I couldn't believe how long they played!  This was the first time that Lucy has been back there since her new found sense of mobility... so we definitely had our hands full.

After that we went out for lunch at Tokyo Grill.  This was my first time there and it was delicious.  I can't wait to go back there for a date night with Gaetan.  :)  The kids loved it too.  And it was such a blessing but Gina (whom I lovingly call Momma G) treated us to lunch.  I found out afterwards that the restaurant is actually owned by her Uncle and Aunt!  We tried something new there... red bean ice cream.  It was really good actually and the kids gobbled it up.  Lucy was a champ and ate more than Tristan, but I guess that doesn't really surprise us :)

After that we went back to her house and the kids played outside for probably an hour or so.  But I realized that it was getting late and we had to get back to pick Gaetan up from school.  Luckily for us this was his long day at school, so we didn't have to get back to early to get him.

It was a long day but it was a good day.  Poor Baby Girl didn't get a nap in so she was pretty touchy... especially with all the new people she was getting introduced to!  But Duder did great and had a great time playing with Aidan and Maison.  We look forward to seeing them a lot during the summer and I know that Tristan is too.  :)

It does this Momma's heart good to see how much fun he has with other kids... and other kids that come from a good family.  :)


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